Welcome to the Web! Web Development with Shiny 101

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Building the Ground Floor of a Shiny App

Figure 1

Figure 2

The app is not much to look at yet…we have added a lot of HTML boxes to give it more underlying structure, but haven’t given these new boxes any non-HTML contents yet.
The app is not much to look at yet…we have added a lot of HTML boxes to give it more underlying structure, but haven’t given these new boxes any non-HTML contents yet.

Figure 3

We’ve restyled our title to make it a little more snazzy using CSS.
We’ve restyled our title to make it a little more snazzy using CSS.

Figure 4

Open developers tools in Microsoft Edge by right-clicking any element on any website.
Open developers tools in Microsoft Edge by right-clicking any element on any website.

Figure 5

The developer’s tools dashboard shows an intimidating amount of information. The most important thing to know is that it shows the website’s current HTML and CSS, allowing you to see and examine both in real time.
The developer’s tools dashboard shows an intimidating amount of information. The most important thing to know is that it shows the website’s current HTML and CSS, allowing you to see and examine both in real time.

Figure 6

The developer tools dashboard is one of the most powerful tools in a web developer’s toolbox. For example, it can be used to grab the selector for any element you wish to style using CSS.
The developer tools dashboard is one of the most powerful tools in a web developer’s toolbox. For example, it can be used to grab the selector for any element you wish to style using CSS.

R Shiny's Core Concepts: Rendering and Outputting, Input Widgets, and Reactivity

Figure 1

Our Shiny app with our basic HTML table of the gapminder data set.
Our Shiny app with our basic HTML table of the gapminder data set.

Figure 2

Our new selectInput, drop-down-menu-style widget.
Our new selectInput, drop-down-menu-style widget.

Figure 3

Now our choices look much more human-readable, but the original column names are preserved for work behind the scenes.
Now our choices look much more human-readable, but the original column names are preserved for work behind the scenes.

Figure 4

Now, when a user selects a new column using the drop-down widget, the table is rebuilt, sorted by that column.
Now, when a user selects a new column using the drop-down widget, the table is rebuilt, sorted by that column.

Figure 5

A new “Go” button has been added to our app’s sidebar panel.
A new “Go” button has been added to our app’s sidebar panel.

Figure 6

Thanks to isolate(), our table only re-renders when the “Go” button is pressed, but the drop-down menu’s current value is still used at that time.
Thanks to isolate(), our table only re-renders when the “Go” button is pressed, but the drop-down menu’s current value is still used at that time.

Figure 7

We’ve split our “main panel” cell into three tabs using a tabsetPanel().
We’ve split our “main panel” cell into three tabs using a tabsetPanel().

Shiny Showstoppers: DTs and Leaflets and Plotlys, Oh My!

Figure 1

DT tables come with several interactive features, including pagination, searching, row selection, and column sorting (indicated by red arrows).
DT tables come with several interactive features, including pagination, searching, row selection, and column sorting (indicated by red arrows).

Figure 2

Notice that, in this DT, there are no sorting arrows, and there is no search bar or current page info in the bottom-left. Row selection is also disabled.
Notice that, in this DT, there are no sorting arrows, and there is no search bar or current page info in the bottom-left. Row selection is also disabled.

Figure 3

Note that, now, our continent column values are center-aligned, our GDP data have been rounded, and any row with a life expectancy value greater than 70 is now in light pink, perhaps helping these rows stand out for our users.
Note that, now, our continent column values are center-aligned, our GDP data have been rounded, and any row with a life expectancy value greater than 70 is now in light pink, perhaps helping these rows stand out for our users.

Figure 4

By using print(), we can see that our cell selection reactive object is a matrix holding the row and column numbers of the cell selected by the user.
By using print(), we can see that our cell selection reactive object is a matrix holding the row and column numbers of the cell selected by the user.

Figure 5

Whenever we click a value in the last three columns, some procedurally generated text appears on screen beneath our table.
Whenever we click a value in the last three columns, some procedurally generated text appears on screen beneath our table.

Figure 6

With the two adjustments outlined above, our app now successfully removes our text when a user de-selects a cell. The table also seems to successfully acknowledge when the table has been sorted versus when it hasn’t when rendering our procedural text.
With the two adjustments outlined above, our app now successfully removes our text when a user de-selects a cell. The table also seems to successfully acknowledge when the table has been sorted versus when it hasn’t when rendering our procedural text.

Figure 7

This clip shows that our “solution” is easy to trick. If a user selects a new column in the drop-down menu but doesn’t trigger the table to re-sort before selecting a cell, our code will think the table has been re-sorted when it hasn’t and will reference the wrong row’s data in our procedural text.
This clip shows that our “solution” is easy to trick. If a user selects a new column in the drop-down menu but doesn’t trigger the table to re-sort before selecting a cell, our code will think the table has been re-sorted when it hasn’t and will reference the wrong row’s data in our procedural text.

Figure 8

A default leaflet map showing the countries in our data set using fuzzy blue outlines.
A default leaflet map showing the countries in our data set using fuzzy blue outlines.

Figure 9

We can see that the map is now zoomed in a little more than before on start-up, and can’t zoom out any further. When we try to pan the map outside of its bounds, it snaps our focus back within those bounds. Lastly, we’re unable to zoom the map in beyond a certain level.
We can see that the map is now zoomed in a little more than before on start-up, and can’t zoom out any further. When we try to pan the map outside of its bounds, it snaps our focus back within those bounds. Lastly, we’re unable to zoom the map in beyond a certain level.

Figure 10

Amazing what adjusting a few stroke (outline) parameters can do!
Amazing what adjusting a few stroke (outline) parameters can do!

Figure 11

We’ve successfully mapped each country’s 2007 life expectancy value to the fill color of that country’s polygon.
We’ve successfully mapped each country’s 2007 life expectancy value to the fill color of that country’s polygon.

Figure 12

We’ve added a legend so that users can easily associate different fill colors with different life expectancy values.
We’ve added a legend so that users can easily associate different fill colors with different life expectancy values.

Figure 13

Simple tooltips (pop-ups) that appear and disappear on mouse click, showing each country’s name.
Simple tooltips (pop-ups) that appear and disappear on mouse click, showing each country’s name.

Figure 14

Now, the tooltips also contain the exact life expectancy value of each country. Raw HTML line breaks are used to make the result more human-readable.
Now, the tooltips also contain the exact life expectancy value of each country. Raw HTML line breaks are used to make the result more human-readable.

Figure 15

A slider input widget allowing users to select which year’s data to show in the map.
A slider input widget allowing users to select which year’s data to show in the map.

Figure 16

The map rebuilds each time a new year is chosen in the slider widget to show data from that year (and the legend title changes too). Within-country shifts in life expectancy over time are more noticeable because a single palette is used for all years rather than a new one being built for each year’s data.
The map rebuilds each time a new year is chosen in the slider widget to show data from that year (and the legend title changes too). Within-country shifts in life expectancy over time are more noticeable because a single palette is used for all years rather than a new one being built for each year’s data.

Figure 17

By using the proxy system, key components of the map needn’t be rebuilt each time, and the app needn’t freeze while the updates occur, resulting in a faster and subtler transition between map versions.
By using the proxy system, key components of the map needn’t be rebuilt each time, and the app needn’t freeze while the updates occur, resulting in a faster and subtler transition between map versions.

Figure 18

A proxy is used to update a map’s focus point; we “fly to” a location clicked on by the user.
A proxy is used to update a map’s focus point; we “fly to” a location clicked on by the user.

Figure 19

The ggplot graph produced by the code above.
The ggplot graph produced by the code above.

Figure 20

The same graph as before (more or less) but now rendered using plotly’s system via ggplotly().
The same graph as before (more or less) but now rendered using plotly’s system via ggplotly().

Figure 21

In this clip, we see many of plotly’s interactive features, including tooltips, legend key filtering, and the modebar of buttons.
In this clip, we see many of plotly’s interactive features, including tooltips, legend key filtering, and the modebar of buttons.

Figure 22

Our plotly graph now has a centered legend, like the source graph did, and tooltips that are more human-readable.
Our plotly graph now has a centered legend, like the source graph did, and tooltips that are more human-readable.

Figure 23

We’ve added a drop-down menu widget that allows users to select a new color palette for our graph. However, not all aspects of the graph change colors like we might expect. For example, the legend keys do change colors, but incorrectly.
We’ve added a drop-down menu widget that allows users to select a new color palette for our graph. However, not all aspects of the graph change colors like we might expect. For example, the legend keys do change colors, but incorrectly.

Figure 24

When users click on specific points, a message appears to give them more detailed population data information.
When users click on specific points, a message appears to give them more detailed population data information.