Pivoting using tidyr

Last updated on 2024-07-02 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 30 minutes



  • How am I storing data in my data sets?
  • How does R tend to expect me to store my data?
  • How can I convert (or pivot) my data from one form to another?


  • Distinguish between “long” and “wide” formats (and “in-between” formats) for storing data in a table.
  • Recognize and explain the benefits and drawbacks of storing data in each format.
  • Use the pivot functions in the tidyr package to convert data from one format to another.


Important: There is no one universal, “right” way to store data in a table! There are many advantages and disadvantages to each way and, in some ways, so long as your organizational system follows good data science storage conventions, is consistent, and works for you and your team, then you’re probably doing it “right.”

That said, from a computing standpoint, there are two broad ways to think about how data are stored in a table–in “wide” format or in “long” format:

When data are in a wide format (left-hand side above), groups within the data (such as teams) have their own rows, and everything we know about each group (such as stats) is listed in different columns in that group’s row. When data are in long format (right-hand side above), each individual row belongs to a single observation, i.e one datum (such as one particular record of one statistic) and columns instead hold information about what groups each statistic belongs to. Same data, different organizations!
When data are in a wide format (left-hand side above), groups within the data (such as teams) have their own rows, and everything we know about each group (such as stats) is listed in different columns in that group’s row. When data are in long format (right-hand side above), each individual row belongs to a single observation, i.e one datum (such as one particular record of one statistic) and columns instead hold information about what groups each statistic belongs to. Same data, different organizations!

In “wide” format, each row is usually a grouping, site, individual, etc. for which multiple observations are recorded, and each column is everything you know about that entity, perhaps at several different time points.

In “long” format, each row is a single observation (even if you have several observations per entity), and the columns serve to clarify which entity each observations belongs to.

Notice that, regardless, the exact same information is being stored in the table–it’s just arrayed differently!

This is actually a spectrum–data can be organized in a super long format, a super wide format, or somewhere in between (if the data set has enough complexity to allow it)!

Also, when I say “long” and “wide,” I don’t mean in the physical sense of how much data you’re storing. Obviously, if you have a lot of data, you’re going to have a lot of rows and/or columns potentially, so your data set might look “long” even though it’s organized in a “wide” format.


Important: One consequence of data organization is that it influences the ease (or difficulty!) of using a programming language like R to manipulate your data.

Consider: How would you use dplyr’s mutate() function to calculate a “points per rebound” value for each team using the “wide” format data set shown above? How about for the “long” format data set?

Then, consider: How would you use dplyr’s summarize() function to get an average number of assists across all teams using the “wide” format data set shown above? How about the “long” format data set?

With the data in “wide” format, using mutate() to calculate “points per rebound” for each team would be easy because the two values for each team (Points and Rebounds) are in the same row. So, we’d do something like this:


dataset %>% 
  mutate(pts_per_rebound = Points/Rebounds)

However, with the data in “long” format, it’s not at all obvious how (or even if) one could use mutate() to get what we want. The numbers we’re trying to slam together are in different rows now. This demonstrates that, in some ways, mutate() is a “rowwise” tool–its designed for operations that leverage data stored more “widely.”

Similarly, with the data in “wide” format, using summarize() to calculate an average number of Assists across all teams would be easy because all the numbers we’re trying to smash together are in the same column. So, we’d do something like this:


dataset %>% 
  summarize(mean_assists = mean(Assists))

Yes, you can use summarize() without using group_by() if you have no groups to group by!

However, once again, the “long” format version presents difficulties–there are numbers in the Value column we’d need to avoid here to calculate our average. So, it’d require us to use filter() first to remove these:


dataset %>% 
  filter(Variable == Assists) %>%  #Notice I have to filter by the Variable column...
  summarize(mean_assists = mean(Value)) #...But take the mean of the Value column.

So, summarize() seems like a tool also designed for “wide” format data, but that’s only because our wide-format data have already been grouped by team. In fact, group_by() and summarize() are best thought of as tools designed to work best with “long” format data because we need to be able to easily sub-divide our data into groups to then be able to summarize effectively and long formats have more columns for “grouping variables.”

This whole exercise is designed to show that while, to some extent, data organization is “personal preference,” it also has implications for how we manipulate our data (and how easy or hard it will be to do so).

While this is perhaps over-generalizing, I would say that humans tend to prefer reading and recording data in “wider” formats. Notice that, when we report data in tables or record data on data sheets, we tend to do so across rows rather than down columns. Recording data in long format, in particular, tends to feel tedious because it requires us to fill out “grouping variable” columns many times with the same information.

However, computers tend to be designed to “prefer” manipulating data in “longer” formats (regardless of what the previous example may have led you to believe!). Computers don’t “see” natural groupings in data like humans can, so they count on having columns that clarify these groups (like continent and country do in the gapminder dataset), and those types of columns only exist in “longer” formats. In particular, many dplyr operations will actually be easier if your data are in “long” format, and ggplot2 especially expects “long” format to render plots with various groups correctly.

This may seem like a dilemma–we’re torn between how we’d prefer the data to look and how R would prefer them to look. But, remember, it’s all the same data, just arranged differently. So, it seems like it’d be possible to “reshape” our data to suit both needs. That’s, in part, what the tidyr package’s functions pivot_longer() and pivot_wider() are for.

Preparation and setup

Note: This lesson uses the gapminder data set. This data set can be downloaded here. Make sure to load the data set into your global environment before continuing.


gap = read.csv("data/gapminder_data.csv", header = TRUE)

Also, this lesson will revolve around use of the optional “add-on” package tidyr. tidyr is a package in the “tidyverse”–an array of useful tools that are designed to look similar and work well together and that make R much more powerful to use but also a lot different than “Base R.” Everything we do in this lesson can be done in “Base R” instead, but it won’t (typically) be as efficient, easy, or clear!

tidyr, like many add-on packages, is not installed with R. So, we must install it before we can use it:


install.packages("tidyr") #Only run once!

You only need to install a package once, so there’s no need to run the above command more than once. However, packages are updated occasionally. When updates are available, you can re-install new versions using the same install.packages() function.

Once a package is installed, it still isn’t “turned on” by default. So, to turn on tidyr so that we can access its unique features, we use the library() function:



The above command must be run every time you start up a new session of R and want access to tidyr’s features!

We’ll also need the dplyr package here so that we can use pipes. See the dplyr lesson for details!

Minding the Gapminder


Let’s look at the gapminder data set once more to remind ourselves of its structure and contents:




      country year      pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
1 Afghanistan 1952  8425333      Asia  28.801  779.4453
2 Afghanistan 1957  9240934      Asia  30.332  820.8530
3 Afghanistan 1962 10267083      Asia  31.997  853.1007
4 Afghanistan 1967 11537966      Asia  34.020  836.1971
5 Afghanistan 1972 13079460      Asia  36.088  739.9811
6 Afghanistan 1977 14880372      Asia  38.438  786.1134

Consider: Is the gapminder data set in “long” format or “wide” format? Why do you say that?

Sorry, this is sort of a trick question because the right answer is “both” (or “neither”).

On the one hand, the gapminder data set is not as long as it could be. For example, right now, there are three columns containing numeric data (pop, lifeExp, and gdpPercap). We could instead have a single Value column to hold these data, as we had with our fake sports data earlier, and a second column that lists what kind of Value each row represents.

On the other hand, the gapminder data set is also not as wide as it could be either. For example, right now, there are three “grouping variables” (country, year, and continent). We could instead have a single row per country and have separate columns for the data from each year (i.e., pop1952, pop1957, pop1962, etc.).

So, “data orientation” is a spectrum, and the gapminder data set exists sort of in the middle of it! Hold onto this idea–in the rest of this lesson, we’re going to see how to make those longer and wider versions we just imagined!


We’ll begin by seeing how to make our data even longer than it is now by combining all the values in the pop, lifeExp, and gdpPercap columns into a single column called Value. We’ll then add a second column (officially called a “key” column) that clarifies which Statistic is being reported in the Value column in that row.

The tidyr verb that corresponds with this goal is pivot_longer(). As with most dplyr verbs (and tidyverse verbs in general!), the first input to pivot_longer() is always the data frame you are trying to reshape (or “pivot”). In this case, that will be our gapminder data set.

After providing our data set, we will provide three more inputs in this particular case:

  1. The columns we are eliminating and collapsing into a single column. Here, that will be pop, lifeExp, and gdpPercap. We’ll provide these inputs to the cols parameter.

  2. The name of the new column that will hold all the values that used to be held by the columns we’re eliminating. So, our population, life expectancy, and GDP data in this case. We’ll call this new column Value, and we’ll provide this input to the values_to parameter.

  3. The name of the new “key” column that will clarify which statistic is being held in the Value column in a given row. We’ll call this new column Statistic, and we’ll provide this input to the names_to parameter.

Let’s put all this together and see what it looks like!


gap_longer = gap %>% #Review the dplyr lesson if you forget how to use pipes!
  pivot_longer(cols = c(pop, lifeExp, gdpPercap), #We have to use c() here to bundle the column names together because these three columns are not consecutive.
               values_to = "Value", #Notice the quotation marks--these are essential here!
               names_to = "Statistic")


# A tibble: 6 × 5
  country      year continent Statistic     Value
  <chr>       <int> <chr>     <chr>         <dbl>
1 Afghanistan  1952 Asia      pop       8425333
2 Afghanistan  1952 Asia      lifeExp        28.8
3 Afghanistan  1952 Asia      gdpPercap     779.
4 Afghanistan  1957 Asia      pop       9240934
5 Afghanistan  1957 Asia      lifeExp        30.3
6 Afghanistan  1957 Asia      gdpPercap     821. 

The first thing I want you to notice (by looking over in the ‘Environment Pane’) is that our new data set, gap_longer is indeed much longer than before: it’s now up to 5112 rows! It also has fewer columns: 5 instead of the 6 we started with.


The other important thing to notice here is the contents of the Statistic column. Where did R get this column’s contents from?

It used the names of the old columns, the ones we got rid of! It figures if those names were good enough to serve as column names in the original data, they must be good enough to be “keys” in this new organization too!


Now, we’ll go the other way–we’ll make our gapminder data set wider than it already is. We’ll make a data set that has a single row for each country (countries will be our groups) and we’ll have a different column for every year x “Statistic” combo we have for each country.

The tidyr verb that corresponds with this goal is pivot_wider(), and it works very similarly to pivot_longer(). Besides our data frame (first input), we’ll provide pivot_wider() two more inputs:

  1. The column(s) that we’re going to eliminate by spreading their contents out over several new columns. In our new, wider data set, we’re going to have a column for each year x “Statistic” combination, so we’re going to eliminate the current pop, lifeExp, and gdpPercap columns as we know them (though their names will get used to make the names for the new columns we’re creating). We’ll provide them to the values_from parameter.
  2. The column that we’re going to eliminate by instead inserting it into the names of the new columns we’re creating. Here, that’s going to be the year column (I promise this’ll make more sense when you see it!). We’ll provide this to the names_from parameter.

Let’s see what this looks like!


gap_wider = gap %>% 
  pivot_wider(values_from = c(pop, lifeExp, gdpPercap),
              names_from = year)


# A tibble: 6 × 38
  country     continent pop_1952 pop_1957 pop_1962 pop_1967 pop_1972 pop_1977
  <chr>       <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 Afghanistan Asia       8425333  9240934 10267083 11537966 13079460 14880372
2 Albania     Europe     1282697  1476505  1728137  1984060  2263554  2509048
3 Algeria     Africa     9279525 10270856 11000948 12760499 14760787 17152804
4 Angola      Africa     4232095  4561361  4826015  5247469  5894858  6162675
5 Argentina   Americas  17876956 19610538 21283783 22934225 24779799 26983828
6 Australia   Oceania    8691212  9712569 10794968 11872264 13177000 14074100
# ℹ 30 more variables: pop_1982 <dbl>, pop_1987 <dbl>, pop_1992 <dbl>,
#   pop_1997 <dbl>, pop_2002 <dbl>, pop_2007 <dbl>, lifeExp_1952 <dbl>,
#   lifeExp_1957 <dbl>, lifeExp_1962 <dbl>, lifeExp_1967 <dbl>,
#   lifeExp_1972 <dbl>, lifeExp_1977 <dbl>, lifeExp_1982 <dbl>,
#   lifeExp_1987 <dbl>, lifeExp_1992 <dbl>, lifeExp_1997 <dbl>,
#   lifeExp_2002 <dbl>, lifeExp_2007 <dbl>, gdpPercap_1952 <dbl>,
#   gdpPercap_1957 <dbl>, gdpPercap_1962 <dbl>, gdpPercap_1967 <dbl>, …

As the name correctly suggests, gap_wider is indeed much wider than our original gapminder data set: It has 38 columns instead of the original 6. We also have fewer rows: Just 142 (1 per country) compared to the original 1704.

Importantly, our new columns have intuitive, predictable names: gdpPercap_1972, pop_1992, and lifeExp1987, for example. Hopefully this is making more sense now that you’ve seen it in action!


You’ve now seen pivot_longer() and pivot_wider(). Maybe you’ve noticed that they seem like “opposites?” They are! They’re designed to “undo” the other’s work, in fact!

So, use pivot_wider() to “rewind” gap_longer back to the organization of our original data set.

This task is thankfully relatively easy. We tell R that it should pull the names for the new columns in our wider table from the Statistic column, then pull the values for those new columns from the old Value column:


gap_returned1 = gap_longer %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = Statistic,
              values_from = Value)


# A tibble: 6 × 6
  country      year continent      pop lifeExp gdpPercap
  <chr>       <int> <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
1 Afghanistan  1952 Asia       8425333    28.8      779.
2 Afghanistan  1957 Asia       9240934    30.3      821.
3 Afghanistan  1962 Asia      10267083    32.0      853.
4 Afghanistan  1967 Asia      11537966    34.0      836.
5 Afghanistan  1972 Asia      13079460    36.1      740.
6 Afghanistan  1977 Asia      14880372    38.4      786.


Now, use pivot_longer() to “rewind” gap_wider back to the organization of the original data set. This transformation will be a little more complicated, though; you’ll need to specify slightly different inputs:

  1. For the names_to parameter, specify exactly c(".value", "year"). ".value" is a special input value here that has a particular meaning–see if you can guess what it is! You can use ?pivot_longer() to research the answer, if you’d like.
  2. You’ll also need to specify "_" as an input for the names_sep parameter. See if you can guess why.
  3. Lastly, you won’t be needing to specify anything for the values_to parameter this time–".value" is taking care of the need to put anything there.

Here’s how we’d use pivot_longer() to “rewind” to our original data set:


gap_returned2 = gap_wider %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = pop_1952:gdpPercap_2007,
               names_to = c(".value", "year"),
               names_sep = "_")


# A tibble: 6 × 6
  country     continent year       pop lifeExp gdpPercap
  <chr>       <chr>     <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
1 Afghanistan Asia      1952   8425333    28.8      779.
2 Afghanistan Asia      1957   9240934    30.3      821.
3 Afghanistan Asia      1962  10267083    32.0      853.
4 Afghanistan Asia      1967  11537966    34.0      836.
5 Afghanistan Asia      1972  13079460    36.1      740.
6 Afghanistan Asia      1977  14880372    38.4      786.

Our inputs for names_to were first telling R “the names of the new columns should come from the first parts of the names of the columns we’re getting rid of.” That was the ".values" bit!

Then, they were telling R “the other column you should make should simply be called year.”

Lastly, by saying names_sep = "_", we were indicating that R should hack apart the old column names at the underscores (aka separate the old names at the _) to find the proper bits to use in the new column names.

So, R pulled apart the old column names, creating pop, lifeExp, and gdpPercap columns from the front halves and then years to fill the new year column from the back halves of those old column names. Pretty incredible, huh??

Try to rephrase the above explanation in your own words.

Key Points

  • Use the tidyr package to reshape the organization of your data.
  • Use pivot_longer() to go towards a “longer” layout.
  • Use pivot_wider() to go towards a “wider” layout.