Building the Ground Floor of a Shiny App

Last updated on 2025-03-11 | Edit this page



  • How should I start building a Shiny app?
  • What code’s required to get a Shiny app to start?
  • What goes in my server.R file? My ui.R file? My global.R file?
  • How do I design an app that’ll look nice on any device?


  • Build the files and folders needed to house a Shiny app and name them according to Shiny’s conventions.
  • Value the convenience afforded by a global.R file.
  • Link a stylesheet to your app.
  • Structure your app’s UI in its ui.R file by nesting (Shiny) HTML boxes, as you might more or less do using HTML code.
  • Use your browser’s developer tools to examine and troubleshoot your app’s HTML and CSS.


In the next lesson, we’ll start building a Shiny app together. In this lesson, we’ll tackle several important steps that’ll set us up for success in that endeavor.

(Detour: Installing packages)

In this lesson, we’ll begin to use some of R’s packages. If you haven’t already, install those now:


install.packages(c("shiny", "dplyr", "ggplot2", "leaflet", "DT", "plotly", "gapminder", "sf"))

Of course, to access their features, we need to turn these packages on too, but there are some other things we must do first.

Establishing our Shiny app’s Project Folder

It’s useful to make a single folder (our “root directory,” or root for short) to house all our app’s files and then make that folder an R Project folder. You don’t need to know what all that means if you don’t already—just know it’s valuable.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. In RStudio, go to File, then select the second option, New Project.

  2. In the pop-up that appears, select the first option, New Directory.

  3. Next, we’ll select the type of project we’re creating. One of the options you’ll be presented is Shiny application, but don’t pick that one! Instead, select the first option, New Project.

  4. On the next screen, use the Browse button to find a location on your computer to place your project folder. Then, give the project a name, such as shiny_workshop, that befits your current project.

    • There are other options on this screen that, if you’re familiar with Git or renv, you might consider as well (both are recommended but outside the scope of these lessons).
  5. Once you’re satisfied, click Create Project.

Important: Once you’ve created your Project, you should see a .Rproj file appear inside that folder. From now on, to work on your Shiny app, launch this file to start an RStudio session connected to your Project. Doing so will save you time and energy!

Creating the necessary files

I recommend building Shiny apps using the so-called three-file system:

  • Go to File, select New File, then select R Script. Repeat this process two more times to create three scripts in total.

  • Then, give them these exact names (in all lowercase):

    • ui.R

    • server.R

    • global.R

These files will hold our app’s client side (user interface) code, back-end (server) code, and setup code, respectively.

R Shiny will recognize these exact names as “special,” so using them enables handy features. One of these is that, in the top-right corner of the Script Pane, you should see a “Run App” button with a green play arrow whenever you are viewing any of these three files in the Script Pane.

This button will allow you to start your app at any time to check it out or test it (something you should do constantly, both during these lessons and when developing your real apps!).

We need to start populating these three files with essential code, but before we do, let’s first create some more folders and files every R Shiny project should have:

  • In the “Files, Plots, Packages, etc.” Pane in your RStudio window, while viewing your Project Folder, click the New Folder button. Name it exactly www. R Shiny will automatically look inside a folder by this name in your root directory for many things, including media files (like images), custom font files, and CSS files referenced by your app.

    • Speaking of which: Click File, New File, then CSS file. Give this new file the name styles.css and save it in your www folder. We’ll put custom CSS code in this file to style our app’s aesthetics.


If you plan to build complex Shiny apps, you may also want to create a file for custom JavaScript code called behaviors.js and place this file in www as well. We won’t use such a file in these lessons, but because there is more you can do using JS than R Shiny will easily do for you, there are many instances where a little custom JS code can significantly enhance your app’s behaviors, and having a specific file in which to put that code is tidy.

For complex apps, I’d also recommend a folder inside your Project folder called inputs. Use this folder to store input files your app needs to start up, like data sets, that aren’t media like pictures or fonts. We won’t use such a sub-folder in these lessons, but, for real projects, it useful to have such a folder to stay organized.

Similarly, I’d recommend a third new folder inside your Project folder called Rcode. As an app’s code base gets larger, you may want to divide your app’s code into smaller, more manageable chunks (such as by building custom functions to perform repeated tasks or by dividing your app’s code into “modules”). At that stage, you can place R files for each chunk in this folder, then source those files in your global.R file. We won’t use any such sub-folder, but I use one for all my apps.

We now have all the files and folders we’ll need, so let’s work on getting our app to where it’ll actually start up.

Starting our global.R file

We’ll start with global.R. R will run this file first when booting your app, so it’s job is to load and/or build everything needed to enable the rest of the app to boot successfully.

When your app gets large and complex, this file will hold many different things. To start, though, at a minimum, it’ll likely contain two: 1) library() calls to load required add-on packages and 2) read*() calls to load required data sets:


##Place this code in your global.R file!


gap = gapminder

By having a global.R file, we can place things like library() calls and code for loading data sets in a single place for the entire app. Without it, we’d need to place these commands inside every app file in which they are needed—what a pain!

Starting our server.R file

Setting up server.R is relatively easy because there’s only one block of code needed there to start:


##Place this code in your server.R file!

server = function(input, output, session) {

Notice: server.R will hold just one object: a function called exactly server. This function will have three parameters called exactly input, output, and session. R Shiny will look for the function by this name when it starts an app, and it’ll create objects called input, output, and session to feed to that function as inputs during the start-up process. Using these exact names is mandatory!

It makes sense, if you think about it, that our app’s server file creates a function (a verb) because it’s the “half” of the app that does stuff. By contrast, the UI of our app mostly “sits there and looks pretty” for the user, only changing in really profound ways when directed by the server.

Starting our ui.R file

Even less code is needed in ui.R to start with—we need to place just a single HTML box into it, into which we’ll eventually place all other such boxes we’ll build:


##Place this code in your ui.R file!

ui = fluidPage(

Here, we use an R Shiny HTML box called fluidPage() to create a stretchy box that will hold the entirety of the webpage we’ll build. We’ll soon fill this box with a bunch more boxes to give our app it’s ultimate structure.

However, first, let’s link up our app’s stylesheet, the styles.css file we made earlier. Because the UI is the “visual” part of a website, and because CSS controls a website’s looks, it makes sense we’d load a CSS file in ui.R instead of in global.R or somewhere else. It also makes sense we’d put this linkage in our app’s head HTML box because it’s instructions for a user’s browser to consider, not something a user themselves needs to see.

Here’s how to do this:


##Place this code INSIDE your app's fluidPage container in the HEAD sub-section!
  tags$link(href = "styles.css", 
            rel = "stylesheet") 

Here, we’ve told the app there is a specific stylesheet, a CSS file, by the name of styles.css we want a user’s browser to use when constructing our website. Note that we link to this file rather than load it—that’s an HTML thing!

By default, the app will look for CSS stylesheets in the www sub-folder, so as long as that’s where we put it, we don’t need to provide more details than this to the href parameter.

Jumpstarting our UI

Now, we can add some additional boxes to our fluidPage() to start giving our app structure. In this series of lessons, we’ll sort of practice a UI design approach called mobile-first design. This means designing apps with mobile users in mind first and all other users second.

The logic of this approach is that, if an app looks and feels good on a narrow-screened, mouseless device, it should look and feel just as good, if not better, on a wider, mouse-enabled device more or less automatically. By contrast, ensuring that a website designed for a computer also works well on mobile devices tends to be harder.

This approach means, among other things, placing our UI elements with the assumption that they will need to adopt a “vertical” or “stacked” layout for mobile users. Pretty much every major element will get to use the screen’s full available width if it needs to, and each subsequent element will flow below rather than next to the previous one.

However, we’ll also set up our UI such that, if a user does have a wide enough screen, some things will arrange side by side instead. A wider layout will tend to look less quirky on a wider screen than a strictly vertical layout would because more content will fit on the screen at once and the added spatial constraints will keep elements from stretching too much horizontally.

So, with all that in mind, let’s add the following boxes to our app’s UI:

  1. A header, built using h1(), with the id attribute of "header" (h1s are top-level headings in HTML).

  2. A footer, built using div(), with the id attribute of "footer".

  3. In between, a fluidRow().

    • Inside it, we’ll place two column()s, which will act as “cells” in this 1 row by 2 column “table.”

The R Shiny function column() has a required input, width; all width values of column()s inside a fluidRow() must be whole numbers that sum to exactly 12. So, let’s set the widths of these columns to 4 and 8, respectively. In practice, this’ll make the second column twice as wide as the first. As a result, the second column will take up 2/3rds of the available screen width, creating the feel of a left-hand “side panel” and a right-hand “main panel,” a standard layout found across the web.

However, as we’ve discussed, fluidRow()s are “smart”—on narrow screens, elements in the same row will flow vertically if there isn’t enough room for them to fit side-by-side. This means that our “side panel” will actually go above our main panel on a narrow screen automatically (because it’s specified first), which will be more intuitive for users encountering our elements vertically:


##Place this code INSIDE your app's fluidPage container in the BODY section!

h1("Our amazing Shiny app!",

  column(width = 4),
  column(width = 8)

div(id = "footer")

A couple more things to note about R Shiny boxes at this point:

  1. Most Shiny boxes have a class parameter and an id parameter, just like their HTML analogs. These two parameters are always optional, and their purpose is to be targets in CSS selectors.

  2. However, if a Shiny box has an inputId or outputId parameter (and we’ll meet many that do!), those are mandatory; those serve Shiny-specific purposes (in addition to serving as CSS targets)—more on those attributes in the next lesson!

  3. Every Shiny UI element is separated from every other using commas, just like inputs inside a function call are. Forgetting these commas is a very common mistake for Shiny beginners!

  4. Because R Shiny UI code is really just thinly-veiled HTML code, writing it involves nesting a lot of function calls inside other calls. For many, this can be confusing! Keeping your code organized using comments to create sub-sections can help you keep things straight.


Start up your app at this point by pressing the “Run App” button in the upper-right corner of the Script Pane when viewing any of your .R files.

I recommend using the drop-down menu on the side of the “Run App” button to select the “Run External” option, which will cause your app to launch in your default web browser instead of in RStudio’s Viewer pane or in a separate R window. In general, apps will perform better when run in a web browser, so you will get a more actionable impression of how your app is doing this way.


What do you see when you start up your app? Explain why the app looks the way it does so far.

Besides our title we placed as contents inside our header, our app will actually look completely empty!

The app is not much to look at yet…we have added a lot of HTML boxes to give it more underlying structure, but haven’t given these new boxes any non-HTML contents yet.
The app is not much to look at yet…we have added a lot of HTML boxes to give it more underlying structure, but haven’t given these new boxes any non-HTML contents yet.

This is because we have introduced several HTML boxes (a footer, a side panel, a main panel, and a box holding the latter two), but we haven’t actually put anything in those boxes that isn’t just other boxes!

That is to say that HTML boxes are empty until we provide them with contents that aren’t other boxes. That’s what we will do in the next lesson!

By most standards, our app also looks very basic—just a white screen with a generic-looking title. This is because the default CSS applied to Shiny apps is very basic, as I warned in the previous lesson! This is why I argued that learning some CSS is essential to craft attractive apps.

What about our CSS file we linked in, though? Sure, we’ve linked to our CSS stylesheet, but we haven’t actually put any code in it yet. Until we do, Shiny’s default, bland rules will be used.


Let’s make our first style rules! Since there’s nothing else to style yet, though, let’s style our title. In your styles.css file (which you can open in RStudio), write a rule that will make the title of our app green and bold.

The first property to set here is called font-weight, and the new value for this property should be bold. I’ll leave you to figure out what the second property-value pairing should be! Run your app to make sure your rule is working.

Here’s what our CSS rule should look like:


h1#header {
font-weight: bold;
color: green;
/* You could also have simply put #header in the selector, as no two HTML containers are allowed to have the same id anyhow! 

And this is what our app should look like once you apply the change:

We’ve restyled our title to make it a little more snazzy using CSS.
We’ve restyled our title to make it a little more snazzy using CSS.

If your app doesn’t look like this, there are two things you should try:

  • Perform a hard refresh on your browser. In Edge, this can be done using Control + F5. This will refresh the page and clear your browser’s cache for your app. This is sometimes necessary to clear out old CSS your browser may be using and apply new CSS.

  • Ensure that your CSS file is properly linked to your app (see earlier in this lesson).

If neither of these suggestions resolves your issue, read on to learn about another tool you might be able to use to troubleshoot CSS issues like this!

Meeting the Developers Tools dashboard

In this lesson, we gave our header an id, which made it easier to target it with a CSS selector. What happens if you want to target a specific element of your app, but you aren’t sure what selector to use to do that?

Good question: Let’s introduce you to every web developer’s secret weapon—your browser’s developers tools.

Every browser has a slightly different way of launching its developers tools. Personally, I use Microsoft Edge as my browser. To access developers tools in Edge, right-click any element on any website and select the last option in the resulting menu, Inspect.

Open developers tools in Microsoft Edge by right-clicking any element on any website.
Open developers tools in Microsoft Edge by right-clicking any element on any website.

The workflow you might need to use for your browser of choice might be different.

Once you figure out how to open up your browser’s developer tools, you’ll see that it’s a frankly intimidating window showing, among other things, the HTML of the website you’re on (usually on the top or left) and the CSS of the element you’re inspecting (usually on the bottom or right):

The developer’s tools dashboard shows an intimidating amount of information. The most important thing to know is that it shows the website’s current HTML and CSS, allowing you to see and examine both in real time.
The developer’s tools dashboard shows an intimidating amount of information. The most important thing to know is that it shows the website’s current HTML and CSS, allowing you to see and examine both in real time.

If I didn’t know the right selector to use to target an element, I could right-click on that element in the HTML (see picture above), go to Copy in the resulting menu, and then select Copy selector from the resulting sub-menu:

The developer tools dashboard is one of the most powerful tools in a web developer’s toolbox. For example, it can be used to grab the selector for any element you wish to style using CSS.
The developer tools dashboard is one of the most powerful tools in a web developer’s toolbox. For example, it can be used to grab the selector for any element you wish to style using CSS.

Doing this would put #header into your clipboard, in this case, which could then be used in a CSS rule as a selector moving forward.

The CSS section of the developers tools will also list all the rules that are currently affecting a given element, which properties are being modified, and which new values are being set. If your CSS code isn’t working as intended, you can check here to ensure your code is being recognized and applied correctly.

These are just two of the many ways that developer tools is a useful web development tool. I won’t mention it again in these lessons, but it’s essential you know how to access it!

Key Points

  • Use the three-file system to organize your app’s code to benefit from several R Shiny features within RStudio.
  • A global.R file is handy for storing all the code needed to fuel your app’s start-up and any other code your app needs that only needs to run once.
  • A CSS stylesheet holds CSS code for dictating your app’s aesthetics. One can be linked to an app inside of ui.R using tags$head().
  • UI elements get nested inside one another and must all be placed inside our UI object’s outermost container (here, a fluidPage()).
  • Most UI elements can be given id and class attributes use in CSS selectors. UI elements must be separated from one another in the UI with commas.
  • fluidRow() and column() can be used to create a “grid,” within which elements may arrange next to each other on wide screens but vertically on narrow screens, creating a responsive, mobile-first design with little fuss.
  • CSS styling requires using the right selector to target the right element(s). If you aren’t sure of the right selector to use, you can retrieve it using your browser’s developer tools.