Content from Welcome to the Web! Web Development with Shiny 101

Last updated on 2025-03-11 | Edit this page



  • How is a website built?
  • How is building a website using R Shiny similar to/different from the “usual” way?
  • What does a website “look like,” under the hood?
  • What are the most common website “building blocks?”


  • Meet the web development languages.
  • Describe how R Shiny relates to other web development frameworks.
  • Picture a typical website’s underlying structure.
  • List several typical website components.
  • Establish a working familiarity with HTML and CSS.

Important: This course assumes you have working knowledge of the R programming language and of the RStudio Integrated Development Environment (IDE). If either is unfamiliar, you could struggle with this lesson (although the “normal R code” used is relatively basic). By contrast, this course assumes no web development experience. If you have some, this course may be too introductory/simplified to hold your attention, though you may still find it useful as an overview of the R Shiny framework.

The web’s languages

R is a programming language, a system with which we direct a computer to do things for us.

Just like a human language, R possesses:

  • “Nouns” (objects or variables),

  • “Verbs” (functions),

  • “Punctuation” (operators like <- and %>%),

  • “Questions” (logical tests like x == 1),

  • “Adjectives” (the types and classes possessed by objects) and “adverbs” (optional parameters of functions), and

  • “Grammar/syntax” (rules like 1a being an unacceptable object name but a1 being valid).

To have a successful “R conversation,” we must form valid “sentences” (commands) in which we create and manipulate nouns, subject them to verbs, and follow all the rules, just as we would with a human language.

R Shiny, meanwhile, is not a programming language. Instead, it (in combination with R) is what a web developer would call a framework: a suite of tools for building a website. Specifically, it leverages R and its conventions/grammar/syntax to accomplish that task as opposed to using other, comparable tools.

To appreciate how R Shiny is distinct from other frameworks, and to understand how to use it well, we need to understand a few basic things about “normal” web development:

  1. The languages typically used to build websites, what each is for, and how each basically works.

  2. The structure of a typical website (the “wheres”).

  3. The typical components (the “whats”) of a website.

These will be this lesson’s first set of topics.

How to weave the web

To generalize, a website is typically constructed using several languages, each specializing in a particular role. The most notable of these are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JS for short):

  • HTML structures a website. It’s how web developers specify what elements a user can see and where these go on a page.

  • CSS styles a website. It’s how web developers specify how each element should look (colors, size, borders, fonts, etc.).

  • JavaScript codes a website’s behaviors. We’ll dissect this further later, but a website is in many ways an application that runs inside your browser (e.g., Edge or Safari). Any changes to the website while its open are likely coded in JS.

    • For example, if a webpage contains a button, and if the button disappears when pressed (a shift in the site’s HTML), the page turns green (a shift in the site’s CSS), and some data you provided are sent to a database (a shift in the app’s relationship with the wider internet), JS is likely orchestrating all three shifts.

Together, HTML, CSS, and JS are the languages most commonly used to assemble the “front end,” “user interface,” or “client side” half of a website. A website’s user interface (UI for short) is what a user sees and interacts with. As far as most users are concerned, the UI is the website. Most assume a website is just that “one thing” and that the website lives somewhere “out there,” on the internet, and we just use our browsers to visit that “other place.”

However, the truth is a bit more complicated! First, yes, there is always a second “half” to a website, and, in defense of the average person’s intuition, it is “somewhere else.” Somewhere in the world, a server (a computer, basically, but more automated than a personal computer) acts as a website’s host, receiving requests for information and sending that information out to users. A server might also store private data, such as passwords, or do complex operations that’d be awkward to have a user’s computer do. It also may perform security checks to ensure users aren’t trafficking malware or spam.

For all these purposes and more, websites have “back ends” or “server sides” that run on a server. Here, the SQL language might be used to carefully store or read data from large databases, and a whole host of other programming languages might be used to perform complex operations and other tasks. These include JS but also PHP, Python, Ruby, and C#, just to name a few!

When a web developer talks about a framework, they are referring to the entire set of languages/constructs needed to build both halves of a website. So, for example, HTML + CSS + JS (front end) + PHP + SQL (back end) is a framework.

Now that we know of the two “halves” of a website, we can consider how a website actually works:

  1. When you “visit” a website by typing its URL into your browser, your browser sends a request out to a server for permission to “see the website.”

  2. The server responds by sending your browser a packet of files (a bunch of HTML, CSS, and JS files, perhaps).

  3. These are opened by your browser and deciphered (it’s fluent in these languages).

  4. Your browser then builds the website you then see and interact with per the instructions provided in the files the server sent. The website is not “out there somewhere;” it’s “alive” and running on your computer!

  5. When the website needs “further instructions” for how to behave in response to your actions or what content to show you next, the dialogue with the server continues—new requests are sent, and new files are received and deciphered.


Have you ever had to clear your browser’s cache? What do you think gets deleted when you do that?

A good portion of your cache (in terms of numbers of files, anyway) will be HTML, CSS, and JS files sent to you by servers to build websites you’ve visited! However, there will also be image and video files (which can be very bulky), files for special fonts that website wanted you to use (perhaps because their logo uses them), and JSON files (text files that can store data), among others.

Where R Shiny sits

When you build a website using R Shiny, you’ll write (primarily) two styles of code:

  • “Normal” R code, and

  • What I’ll call “R-like,” or “R Shiny” code.

The latter will look a lot like R code (that’s the point!). However, it won’t remain R code. When a Shiny app is compiled, its R Shiny code is translated into the equivalent HTML, CSS, and JS code so a browser can decipher it. This means we can use R Shiny and it’s “R-like” code to build the entire UI side of a website without needing to know much, if any*, HTML, CSS, or JS (*sort of)!

The “normal” R code you’ll write, meanwhile, will largely sit within your website’s “back end’ (or”server side”), where it may manipulate data sets, perform operations, generate graphs, etc. You know—typical R stuff! This means we use R+R Shiny to build the entire server side of a website without needing to know much, if any, JS, PHP, Ruby, Python, SQL, etc!

So, the R + R Shiny framework enables us to build both halves of a fully interactive, complex website without necessarily knowing any other web development languages or frameworks! In particular, R admirably takes the place of other, general programming languages typically used for handling server-side tasks, such as Python or PHP, especially when those tasks revolve around data manipulation, management, or display—R excels at all things “data!”


Hopefully, you now recognize that websites can be built both with and without R Shiny. What is different about building a website using R Shiny, then?

A few things are different about building a website using R Shiny, but I think the two most important are:

  1. Whereas writing HTML, CSS, and JS code is often necessary to build a website’s UI, (deep) knowledge of these languages is not required to build a website using R Shiny. Instead, you will write R code + R Shiny code, and these get “translated” into the equivalent HTML, CSS, and JS code for you.

    Granted, this means you still need to learn how to write “R Shiny code,” and you may or may not find this code all that familiar-feeling even though it “looks like” R code. More on that in a sec…

  2. Normally, to construct the “back end” of a website, a general programming language like PHP or Python is used. These languages are quite different from JS, so designing a conventional website often requires programming in (at least) two different general programming languages (e.g., JS and PHP), at least one of which you may not have encountered before (JS and PHP are not widely used for other purposes).

    With R Shiny, you can code both the front and back ends of a website using the “look and feel,” at least, of just one general programming language.

Let’s meet HTML and CSS

I said above that R Shiny ensures you don’t need to learn HTML and CSS to build a website. That statement is no lie!

…However, because your R Shiny code must be translated into HTML/CSS code for a browser to understand it, there is a forced similarity between the two systems—much of the time, you’ll really be writing just thinly veiled HTML/CSS code when you’re writing “Shiny code.” The latter may look “R-like,” but it won’t always feel “R-like” because of all the ways it will be beholden to these other two languages.

As such, to build a really nice Shiny app, and to feel like you know not just what your code is doing but why it looks the way it does, it’s helpful to understand the basics of HTML and CSS.

If the prospect of learning two more languages is daunting, don’t panic! Compared to learning R, learning the basics of HTML and CSS is much easier; these aren’t general programming languages like R. They have much narrower purposes, so they need a lot fewer “words” and “rules” to do their jobs than R does. Knowing even a little about these two languages goes a long way, I promise!

HTML 101

We’ll start with HTML, since it’s a website’s foundation. Pretty much everything an R Shiny developer really needs to understand about HTML falls under four key concepts:

Key concept #1: All websites are “boxes within boxes”

At its core, every website is just a box containing one or more additional boxes, each of which might contain yet more boxes, and so on all the way down. By “box” here, I mean “a container that holds stuff,” not “a rectangle” (though a lot of website boxes are rectangles!). All HTML does is tell your browser which boxes go inside which other boxes and what every box contains. Besides other boxes, HTML boxes can hold text, pictures, links, menus, lists, and much more.

In terms of code, every HTML box looks something like this:


<div id = "my_box">My box's contents</div>

Thus, (almost) every HTML box has:

  • An opening tag (e.g., <div...>), which tells the browser where the box “starts.”

  • A closing tag (e.g., </div>), which tells the browser where a box “ends.”

  • Space for contents (here, that’s the text My box's contents), found between the opening tag’s > and the closing tag’s <.

  • Space inside the opening tag for attributes, which are adjectives that make a box “special.”

    • Here, we gave our box a unique id, "my_box", using attribute = "value" format.

In R Shiny, you can build the exact same box using its “R-like code:”


div(id = "my box",
    "My box's contents")

Here, we’ve replaced HTML’s tag notation involving <>s with R’s function notation and its ( )s, and we specify attributes and box contents using R’s traditional function arguments instead.

Importantly, as I said above, one thing every HTML box can contain is one or more additional HTML boxes. In fact, most websites contain nested layers of boxes, each with their own unique properties, that go many, many layers deep:


div(id = "my box",
    div(id = "layer2", 
        div(id = "layer3", ...)))

It’s through this nesting of boxes that the complex visual structure of a typical website is born.


Below is some HTML code containing some (nested) HTML boxes. Rewrite the code below in R Shiny UI code instead using the div() function:


<div id="main-container" class="container">
<div class="content">Welcome to our app!</div>

The above code contains one outer HTML box with both an id attribute and a class attribute. R Shiny has equivalent function parameters for those two attributes in its div() function:


div(id = "main-container",
    class = "container",
    #...contents go here.

In this example, this outer div’s contents are another div, which itself has a class and some text contents:


div(id = "main-container",
    class = "container",
    div(class = "content",
        "Welcome to our app!") #Text strings need to be quoted in R even though they don't in HTML.

While nesting many function calls inside one another is not an uncommon practice among everyday R users, it’s certainly not universal, but it’s essential to coding in HTML, so some find the amount of nesting found in R Shiny UI code to be unfamiliar.

Key concept #2: Websites have heads and bodies

To oversimplify, every website is an HTML box (<HTML>...</HTML>) containing two smaller boxes: a “head” (<head>...</head>) and a “body” (<body>...</body>).

The head’s contents are (mostly) invisible to users; the head contains instructions for how the browser should construct the website. The body box, meanwhile, contains everything the user can see and interact with.

In R Shiny, we don’t need to build the HTML, head, or body boxes—those are made for us. Instead, we’d spend most of our time specifying only the stuff that goes inside the body box.

However, we can (and sometimes need to) put things in the head box to provide our users’ browsers with more guidance. This is done using the R Shiny tags$head() function:


tags$head(#Instructions for the user's browser go here...)

Key concept #3: HTML boxes are either inline or block

Broadly, there are two kinds of HTML boxes: inline and block. The difference is how each is displayed when a website is built.

A block element takes up the entire horizontal “row” it is placed on. In other words, it’ll occupy the entire width of the browser window (if allowed), and it’ll force the next item to go below rather than next to it, as though the browser was forced to hit the “Enter” key.

For example, the <p>...</p> element (created in Shiny using the p() R Shiny function) creates “paragraph” boxes (or, more accurately, boxes for text blocks, which can any amount of text). If you put several consecutive paragraph boxes inside your body box, they would display in a column, with the first at the top and the last at the bottom, and each would occupy the full width of the box that contains them:

Inline elements, meanwhile, only take up as much horizontal space as they have to (by default) to accommodate their contents’ size, and thus they go next to each other on the same line (if there’s room); they don’t force new lines.

For example, the <a>...</a> element (made in R using the a() R Shiny function) is a box that holds a link to a URL or file. You could use several such boxes within a single paragraph box without spawning a new line after each one.


<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is another paragraph.</p>
<p>Paragraphs are block elements, so they stack vertically.</p>
<a>Links are</a>
<a>Inline elements,</a>
<a>so they fit side-by-side.</a>


#And here's the exact same code, only written in R Shiny code instead:
  p("This is a paragraph."),
  p("This is another paragraph."),
  p("Paragraphs are block elements, so they stack vertically."),
  a("Links are"),
  a("Inline elements,"),
  a("so they fit side-by-side")

#Note that text contents are quoted. Note also that commas separate every UI element from the next. 

#Lastly, note that the line breaks between elements here (and in the HTML code above) are irrelevant with respect to the code's effects--paragraph and heading boxes would still stack vertically without them, and links still will fit side-by-side with them.

This dichotomy means every element of every website falls into one of two aesthetic camps. Certain elements tend to “stand alone” or “stand apart” from others visually and logically, such as headings and navigation bars. These are generally block elements. Other elements “fit together” and “co-mingle,” such as links and images. These are generally inline elements.

Key concept #4: The Flow

These days, a user might view your website on a very wide screen (like that of a projector) or a very narrow screen (like that of a cell phone in portrait mode, or even the screen of a smart watch!).

If your website has, say, five elements, it may not make sense to arrange those elements the same way on a narrow screen as on a wide screen, just as you probably wouldn’t arrange the same furniture in a tiny room the same as you would in a huge room.

Careless arrangement of elements is often obvious to even casual web surfers. On narrow screens, elements that are too big might “spill” out of the containers meant to hold them, and when too many elements are stacked side by side, tedious scroll bars may be the only way to see elements that are otherwise obviously extending “off-screen.”

On wide screens, meanwhile, small elements (especially small block elements) may look silly without constraints, such as when a single sentence spans the entire width of the screen. As another example, font sizes that feel appropriate on a small screen might be far too big or small when viewed on a computer monitor.

It’s hard enough to craft one great website—it’d be a nightmare to design a different-looking website for every possible screen size your users might have!

Thankfully, then, most websites are designed to follow some paradigm of “flow.” This means they’ll semi-automatically reorganize their contents according to the size of the user’s screen. For example:

  • Elements that sit side by side on a wide screen shift to stack vertically.

  • Elements (such as images) that might be permitted to stay large for wide screens may shrink to fit comfortably inside their boxes on narrow screens.

  • Some elements may “teleport” to new locations on the page as a screen narrows such that, if all elements are arranged vertically, their order is more logical to a user encountering them in that way.


Try it: Go to and vary the width of your browser window by pulling its edges inward. How does this website “flow?”

For me, I saw a number of changes as I shrunk my browser screen: The menu at the top became a collapsed “hamburger” menu (a button with three lines that opens to reveal options), the links section slid below the search bar, the word of the day box shrank to take up less room, and the games sidebar teleported to much further down on the page. You may have noticed many other changes!

In line with this, R Shiny comes with custom boxes that are “fluid,” meaning their size is flexible and changes automatically to fit the size of their contents. Like inline elements, these boxes will only take up as much space as necessary. However, their contents will also automatically stack vertically if the screen becomes too narrow, sort of like block elements. Additionally, these boxes includes ones that will divide a space into a table of “rows” and “columns” so that elements can be arranged in a grid-like fashion whenever the screen is wide enough to accommodate it:

The first step of building a great Shiny app is to plot out your app’s layout. What elements should exist, and where should they go? How big does each need to be? What kinds of devices will your users be on? How will elements be nested to achieve a pleasing “flow” of elements, no matter the device your user is using? It’s important to remember that your app may not be able to look the exact same for every user and to design it with that in mind!

CSS 101

If HTML tells a browser what to display and where to display it, then CSS tells a browser how to display things.

Compared to HTML, CSS is even easier to learn (at least, that’s my opinion!). CSS code consists of functional units called rules. Each rule consists of a selector and a list of one or more property-value pairs:

  • The selector tells the browser which box(es) to adjust the appearance of.

  • The properties tell the browser which characteristics of those boxes to change.

  • The values tell the browser the new values to set for each of those characteristics.

Here is an example CSS rule:


p.intro, div#firstintro {
font-style: italic;
font-size: large;

On the first line prior to the opening brace, {, we have our selector, which here is targeting two different groups of boxes simultaneously, with those two targets separated with a comma:

  1. The first target is paragraph boxes (p()s), but only those with the intro class attribute. A class is actually an HTML attribute that allows many boxes to be controlled and styled as one group. A period connects an HTML element type with a class name in a CSS selector (e.g., p.intro).
  1. Our second target is divs (a highly generic HTML box), but only the one with the id attribute of firstintro. ids allow us to control or style just a specific element. A hashtag connects an HTML element type with an id name in a CSS selector (e.g., div#firstintro).

    • To target all elements of a type (e.g., all div()s), write only the element name without any periods or hashtags (e.g., div)

    • If multiple different element types (such as divs and ps) have the same class, you can omit an element type and just specify the class to target all those elements with the same CSS rule (e.g., .intro).


Consider the following elements. Which ones do you think would be affected by a CSS selector of p.intro?


p(class = "intro")
p(class = "intro special")
p(class = "body")
p(id = "intro")
a(class = "intro")

Answers can be found embedded in the code below:


p(class = "intro", "This p element has the intro class and would be affected by a CSS selector of p.intro.")
p(class = "intro special", "This p element actually has two classes, 'intro' and 'special' (multiple classes can be applied if they are separated with a space). Since one of those classes is 'intro', this element would be affected by the selector p.intro.")
p(class = "body", "This p element does not have the specific class 'intro' and would thus be unaffected by the selector p.intro.")
p(id = "intro", "ids and classes are different attributes, so this p element would be unaffected by the selector p.intro, but it would be affected by the selector p#intro.")
a(class = "intro", "An a (link) element is different from a p element, so the selector p.intro won't affect this element even though the element does have the 'intro' class. It would be affected by the selectors .intro and a.intro though.")

Inside of our rule’s braces, meanwhile, we have a list. Each list item is a property name (e.g., font-style) and a new value (e.g., italic) to set for that property. These are separated with a colon and end with a semi-colon. If you get the punctuation or spelling of a CSS rule wrong (easy to do!), it won’t do anything, so mind the rules carefully!

CSS rules get more complex than this one, but they can be simpler than this one too, so if this rule makes sense to you, you’re in great shape!


Try it: W3Schools is a fantastic resource for learning HTML and CSS. Go to their CSS page and check out some of the tutorial pages on the left-hand side.

Using the “CSS Text” tutorial, write a CSS rule that would change the font color of all paragraph boxes to red and make all their text be center-aligned.

Here’s how you’d write this rule:


p {
color: red;
text-align: center;

Notice that we can target all p elements by not appending any classes or ids. Don’t forget your colons, braces, commas (if needed), or semi-colons! Also, notice that, unlike in R, text values in CSS (like “red” and “center”) aren’t quoted.

If you’re thinking “This sounds complicated/tedious/off-topic! Why are we bothering to learn any CSS, when R is going to translate my Shiny code to CSS for me??”

That’s a good and fair question! The truth is that, unfortunately, understanding CSS to some degree is still essential for crafting an attractive R Shiny app. Without specifying your own CSS, you’ll need to:

  1. Accept the very basic styling employed by R Shiny by default, or

  2. Use generic-looking themes available from packages like bslib that might leave your app looking like “every other website” in ways that can be difficult to customize.

Don’t get me wrong—these are perfectly acceptable options if your apps are simple or have limited user bases that may be indifferent to looks. However, in my experience, even in those instances, neither option is nearly as satisfying as learning to style your app yourself, even if you’re not a design whiz!

So, while we won’t pause to style our app much in this series of lessons, we will do so occasionally so that you can see the difference it makes.

Nothing is new on the web

We’ve talked about how a website is built, and we’ve looked at the specific roles played by HTML and CSS in that process. In particular, we’ve discussed the concept of HTML boxes and how a website is just a series of these boxes, stacked next to, below, and inside each other. Then, we’ve seen that the style of those boxes and their contents can be customized using CSS.

But what typically goes inside all those boxes, besides other boxes?!

With the internet now over 30 years old, most people have been interacting with the web a long time! We’ve developed collective expectations for how websites should look and feel as a result and, as such, most websites contain a set of immediately-recognizable components, including:

  • A header (a box permanently hooked to the top of the screen/page or to the top of a page section). This could contain other elements like a title, a logo, a navigation menu, etc.

  • A footer (similar to a header but at the bottom of a screen/page/section). This might contain elements such as text boxes for contact info or legal information, links, disclaimers, version information, etc.

  • A “main content area,” which might be a single rectangle or multiple rectangles of (un)equal size (such as a smaller “sidebar” and a larger “main panel”). This area may contain blocks of text, media such as videos, articles, graphics, etc.

  • Text blocks, which might themselves contain paragraph blocks, links, quotes, code, articles, lists, headings, etc.

  • Forms containing information-gathering widgets—elements users interact with to provide the page with information or direction, such as drop-down menus or sliders.

  • Modals (which you may know as “pop-ups”), which partially or wholly obscure the webpage and may contain additional information, options, or alerts.

  • Background tiles, which may hold images or instead be solid colors, gradients, or patterns.

  • Navigation systems, such as buttons, scroll bars, or drop-down menus, that allow users to move around a site.

All these elements (and more!) can be added to the websites designed using R Shiny. As such, some of the first, and most important, decisions you’ll make when building a Shiny app are deciding:

  1. What elements your app will contain,

  2. Where they will go, and

  3. What they’ll enable a user to do.

While the list above is not exhaustive, it should help you begin to make those decisions.


Consider the webpage below:

Like all webpages, this one is just a series of “boxes inside of other boxes.” Draw an abstracted version of this site as only a set of nested boxes. Label each box based on what it seems designed to hold (don’t bother drawing every box, just the “major” ones).

As you do, list the different components housed in these boxes you recognize (buttons, text blocks, etc.).

Here’s what I noticed and identified:

You may have noticed more, fewer, or different things—that’s ok!

Key Points

  • Classically, websites are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to construct the “client side” of the site, which runs in a user’s browser on their local computer, and by using SQL plus a general programming language like Python to construct the “server side” of the website, which runs remotely on a server that communicates back and forth with the user’s browser to ensure the site is constructed and displayed to the user as intended.
  • R Shiny allows you to build a website using just R + R Shiny code, such that deep understanding of other web development languages like PHP and JavaScript is not required.
  • However, some familiarity with HTML and CSS is practically essential to build a great app and to really understand what you are doing when writing “R Shiny” code.
  • That’s ok—HTML and CSS are very approachable languages compared to general programming languages like R.
  • HTML tells a browser what to put where when building a website. Websites are just “HTML boxes holding stuff and/or other boxes.” Some boxes force new lines after them; others don’t. How boxes will “flow” on wide versus narrow screens is an important design consideration.
  • CSS tells a browser how to display each element on a website. It consists of rules targeting specific HTML boxes that specify new values for those boxes’ aesthetic properties.
  • Website design has matured such that most websites look and feel broadly similar and share many elements, such as buttons, links, widgets, articles, media, and so on. R Shiny lets us add these same elements to our apps.

Content from Building the Ground Floor of a Shiny App

Last updated on 2025-03-11 | Edit this page



  • How should I start building a Shiny app?
  • What code’s required to get a Shiny app to start?
  • What goes in my server.R file? My ui.R file? My global.R file?
  • How do I design an app that’ll look nice on any device?


  • Build the files and folders needed to house a Shiny app and name them according to Shiny’s conventions.
  • Value the convenience afforded by a global.R file.
  • Link a stylesheet to your app.
  • Structure your app’s UI in its ui.R file by nesting (Shiny) HTML boxes, as you might more or less do using HTML code.
  • Use your browser’s developer tools to examine and troubleshoot your app’s HTML and CSS.


In the next lesson, we’ll start building a Shiny app together. In this lesson, we’ll tackle several important steps that’ll set us up for success in that endeavor.

(Detour: Installing packages)

In this lesson, we’ll begin to use some of R’s packages. If you haven’t already, install those now:


install.packages(c("shiny", "dplyr", "ggplot2", "leaflet", "DT", "plotly", "gapminder", "sf"))

Of course, to access their features, we need to turn these packages on too, but there are some other things we must do first.

Establishing our Shiny app’s Project Folder

It’s useful to make a single folder (our “root directory,” or root for short) to house all our app’s files and then make that folder an R Project folder. You don’t need to know what all that means if you don’t already—just know it’s valuable.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. In RStudio, go to File, then select the second option, New Project.

  2. In the pop-up that appears, select the first option, New Directory.

  3. Next, we’ll select the type of project we’re creating. One of the options you’ll be presented is Shiny application, but don’t pick that one! Instead, select the first option, New Project.

  4. On the next screen, use the Browse button to find a location on your computer to place your project folder. Then, give the project a name, such as shiny_workshop, that befits your current project.

    • There are other options on this screen that, if you’re familiar with Git or renv, you might consider as well (both are recommended but outside the scope of these lessons).
  5. Once you’re satisfied, click Create Project.

Important: Once you’ve created your Project, you should see a .Rproj file appear inside that folder. From now on, to work on your Shiny app, launch this file to start an RStudio session connected to your Project. Doing so will save you time and energy!

Creating the necessary files

I recommend building Shiny apps using the so-called three-file system:

  • Go to File, select New File, then select R Script. Repeat this process two more times to create three scripts in total.

  • Then, give them these exact names (in all lowercase):

    • ui.R

    • server.R

    • global.R

These files will hold our app’s client side (user interface) code, back-end (server) code, and setup code, respectively.

R Shiny will recognize these exact names as “special,” so using them enables handy features. One of these is that, in the top-right corner of the Script Pane, you should see a “Run App” button with a green play arrow whenever you are viewing any of these three files in the Script Pane.

This button will allow you to start your app at any time to check it out or test it (something you should do constantly, both during these lessons and when developing your real apps!).

We need to start populating these three files with essential code, but before we do, let’s first create some more folders and files every R Shiny project should have:

  • In the “Files, Plots, Packages, etc.” Pane in your RStudio window, while viewing your Project Folder, click the New Folder button. Name it exactly www. R Shiny will automatically look inside a folder by this name in your root directory for many things, including media files (like images), custom font files, and CSS files referenced by your app.

    • Speaking of which: Click File, New File, then CSS file. Give this new file the name styles.css and save it in your www folder. We’ll put custom CSS code in this file to style our app’s aesthetics.


If you plan to build complex Shiny apps, you may also want to create a file for custom JavaScript code called behaviors.js and place this file in www as well. We won’t use such a file in these lessons, but because there is more you can do using JS than R Shiny will easily do for you, there are many instances where a little custom JS code can significantly enhance your app’s behaviors, and having a specific file in which to put that code is tidy.

For complex apps, I’d also recommend a folder inside your Project folder called inputs. Use this folder to store input files your app needs to start up, like data sets, that aren’t media like pictures or fonts. We won’t use such a sub-folder in these lessons, but, for real projects, it useful to have such a folder to stay organized.

Similarly, I’d recommend a third new folder inside your Project folder called Rcode. As an app’s code base gets larger, you may want to divide your app’s code into smaller, more manageable chunks (such as by building custom functions to perform repeated tasks or by dividing your app’s code into “modules”). At that stage, you can place R files for each chunk in this folder, then source those files in your global.R file. We won’t use any such sub-folder, but I use one for all my apps.

We now have all the files and folders we’ll need, so let’s work on getting our app to where it’ll actually start up.

Starting our global.R file

We’ll start with global.R. R will run this file first when booting your app, so it’s job is to load and/or build everything needed to enable the rest of the app to boot successfully.

When your app gets large and complex, this file will hold many different things. To start, though, at a minimum, it’ll likely contain two: 1) library() calls to load required add-on packages and 2) read*() calls to load required data sets:


##Place this code in your global.R file!


gap = gapminder

By having a global.R file, we can place things like library() calls and code for loading data sets in a single place for the entire app. Without it, we’d need to place these commands inside every app file in which they are needed—what a pain!

Starting our server.R file

Setting up server.R is relatively easy because there’s only one block of code needed there to start:


##Place this code in your server.R file!

server = function(input, output, session) {

Notice: server.R will hold just one object: a function called exactly server. This function will have three parameters called exactly input, output, and session. R Shiny will look for the function by this name when it starts an app, and it’ll create objects called input, output, and session to feed to that function as inputs during the start-up process. Using these exact names is mandatory!

It makes sense, if you think about it, that our app’s server file creates a function (a verb) because it’s the “half” of the app that does stuff. By contrast, the UI of our app mostly “sits there and looks pretty” for the user, only changing in really profound ways when directed by the server.

Starting our ui.R file

Even less code is needed in ui.R to start with—we need to place just a single HTML box into it, into which we’ll eventually place all other such boxes we’ll build:


##Place this code in your ui.R file!

ui = fluidPage(

Here, we use an R Shiny HTML box called fluidPage() to create a stretchy box that will hold the entirety of the webpage we’ll build. We’ll soon fill this box with a bunch more boxes to give our app it’s ultimate structure.

However, first, let’s link up our app’s stylesheet, the styles.css file we made earlier. Because the UI is the “visual” part of a website, and because CSS controls a website’s looks, it makes sense we’d load a CSS file in ui.R instead of in global.R or somewhere else. It also makes sense we’d put this linkage in our app’s head HTML box because it’s instructions for a user’s browser to consider, not something a user themselves needs to see.

Here’s how to do this:


##Place this code INSIDE your app's fluidPage container in the HEAD sub-section!
  tags$link(href = "styles.css", 
            rel = "stylesheet") 

Here, we’ve told the app there is a specific stylesheet, a CSS file, by the name of styles.css we want a user’s browser to use when constructing our website. Note that we link to this file rather than load it—that’s an HTML thing!

By default, the app will look for CSS stylesheets in the www sub-folder, so as long as that’s where we put it, we don’t need to provide more details than this to the href parameter.

Jumpstarting our UI

Now, we can add some additional boxes to our fluidPage() to start giving our app structure. In this series of lessons, we’ll sort of practice a UI design approach called mobile-first design. This means designing apps with mobile users in mind first and all other users second.

The logic of this approach is that, if an app looks and feels good on a narrow-screened, mouseless device, it should look and feel just as good, if not better, on a wider, mouse-enabled device more or less automatically. By contrast, ensuring that a website designed for a computer also works well on mobile devices tends to be harder.

This approach means, among other things, placing our UI elements with the assumption that they will need to adopt a “vertical” or “stacked” layout for mobile users. Pretty much every major element will get to use the screen’s full available width if it needs to, and each subsequent element will flow below rather than next to the previous one.

However, we’ll also set up our UI such that, if a user does have a wide enough screen, some things will arrange side by side instead. A wider layout will tend to look less quirky on a wider screen than a strictly vertical layout would because more content will fit on the screen at once and the added spatial constraints will keep elements from stretching too much horizontally.

So, with all that in mind, let’s add the following boxes to our app’s UI:

  1. A header, built using h1(), with the id attribute of "header" (h1s are top-level headings in HTML).

  2. A footer, built using div(), with the id attribute of "footer".

  3. In between, a fluidRow().

    • Inside it, we’ll place two column()s, which will act as “cells” in this 1 row by 2 column “table.”

The R Shiny function column() has a required input, width; all width values of column()s inside a fluidRow() must be whole numbers that sum to exactly 12. So, let’s set the widths of these columns to 4 and 8, respectively. In practice, this’ll make the second column twice as wide as the first. As a result, the second column will take up 2/3rds of the available screen width, creating the feel of a left-hand “side panel” and a right-hand “main panel,” a standard layout found across the web.

However, as we’ve discussed, fluidRow()s are “smart”—on narrow screens, elements in the same row will flow vertically if there isn’t enough room for them to fit side-by-side. This means that our “side panel” will actually go above our main panel on a narrow screen automatically (because it’s specified first), which will be more intuitive for users encountering our elements vertically:


##Place this code INSIDE your app's fluidPage container in the BODY section!

h1("Our amazing Shiny app!",

  column(width = 4),
  column(width = 8)

div(id = "footer")

A couple more things to note about R Shiny boxes at this point:

  1. Most Shiny boxes have a class parameter and an id parameter, just like their HTML analogs. These two parameters are always optional, and their purpose is to be targets in CSS selectors.

  2. However, if a Shiny box has an inputId or outputId parameter (and we’ll meet many that do!), those are mandatory; those serve Shiny-specific purposes (in addition to serving as CSS targets)—more on those attributes in the next lesson!

  3. Every Shiny UI element is separated from every other using commas, just like inputs inside a function call are. Forgetting these commas is a very common mistake for Shiny beginners!

  4. Because R Shiny UI code is really just thinly-veiled HTML code, writing it involves nesting a lot of function calls inside other calls. For many, this can be confusing! Keeping your code organized using comments to create sub-sections can help you keep things straight.


Start up your app at this point by pressing the “Run App” button in the upper-right corner of the Script Pane when viewing any of your .R files.

I recommend using the drop-down menu on the side of the “Run App” button to select the “Run External” option, which will cause your app to launch in your default web browser instead of in RStudio’s Viewer pane or in a separate R window. In general, apps will perform better when run in a web browser, so you will get a more actionable impression of how your app is doing this way.


What do you see when you start up your app? Explain why the app looks the way it does so far.

Besides our title we placed as contents inside our header, our app will actually look completely empty!

The app is not much to look at yet…we have added a lot of HTML boxes to give it more underlying structure, but haven’t given these new boxes any non-HTML contents yet.
The app is not much to look at yet…we have added a lot of HTML boxes to give it more underlying structure, but haven’t given these new boxes any non-HTML contents yet.

This is because we have introduced several HTML boxes (a footer, a side panel, a main panel, and a box holding the latter two), but we haven’t actually put anything in those boxes that isn’t just other boxes!

That is to say that HTML boxes are empty until we provide them with contents that aren’t other boxes. That’s what we will do in the next lesson!

By most standards, our app also looks very basic—just a white screen with a generic-looking title. This is because the default CSS applied to Shiny apps is very basic, as I warned in the previous lesson! This is why I argued that learning some CSS is essential to craft attractive apps.

What about our CSS file we linked in, though? Sure, we’ve linked to our CSS stylesheet, but we haven’t actually put any code in it yet. Until we do, Shiny’s default, bland rules will be used.


Let’s make our first style rules! Since there’s nothing else to style yet, though, let’s style our title. In your styles.css file (which you can open in RStudio), write a rule that will make the title of our app green and bold.

The first property to set here is called font-weight, and the new value for this property should be bold. I’ll leave you to figure out what the second property-value pairing should be! Run your app to make sure your rule is working.

Here’s what our CSS rule should look like:


h1#header {
font-weight: bold;
color: green;
/* You could also have simply put #header in the selector, as no two HTML containers are allowed to have the same id anyhow! 

And this is what our app should look like once you apply the change:

We’ve restyled our title to make it a little more snazzy using CSS.
We’ve restyled our title to make it a little more snazzy using CSS.

If your app doesn’t look like this, there are two things you should try:

  • Perform a hard refresh on your browser. In Edge, this can be done using Control + F5. This will refresh the page and clear your browser’s cache for your app. This is sometimes necessary to clear out old CSS your browser may be using and apply new CSS.

  • Ensure that your CSS file is properly linked to your app (see earlier in this lesson).

If neither of these suggestions resolves your issue, read on to learn about another tool you might be able to use to troubleshoot CSS issues like this!

Meeting the Developers Tools dashboard

In this lesson, we gave our header an id, which made it easier to target it with a CSS selector. What happens if you want to target a specific element of your app, but you aren’t sure what selector to use to do that?

Good question: Let’s introduce you to every web developer’s secret weapon—your browser’s developers tools.

Every browser has a slightly different way of launching its developers tools. Personally, I use Microsoft Edge as my browser. To access developers tools in Edge, right-click any element on any website and select the last option in the resulting menu, Inspect.

Open developers tools in Microsoft Edge by right-clicking any element on any website.
Open developers tools in Microsoft Edge by right-clicking any element on any website.

The workflow you might need to use for your browser of choice might be different.

Once you figure out how to open up your browser’s developer tools, you’ll see that it’s a frankly intimidating window showing, among other things, the HTML of the website you’re on (usually on the top or left) and the CSS of the element you’re inspecting (usually on the bottom or right):

The developer’s tools dashboard shows an intimidating amount of information. The most important thing to know is that it shows the website’s current HTML and CSS, allowing you to see and examine both in real time.
The developer’s tools dashboard shows an intimidating amount of information. The most important thing to know is that it shows the website’s current HTML and CSS, allowing you to see and examine both in real time.

If I didn’t know the right selector to use to target an element, I could right-click on that element in the HTML (see picture above), go to Copy in the resulting menu, and then select Copy selector from the resulting sub-menu:

The developer tools dashboard is one of the most powerful tools in a web developer’s toolbox. For example, it can be used to grab the selector for any element you wish to style using CSS.
The developer tools dashboard is one of the most powerful tools in a web developer’s toolbox. For example, it can be used to grab the selector for any element you wish to style using CSS.

Doing this would put #header into your clipboard, in this case, which could then be used in a CSS rule as a selector moving forward.

The CSS section of the developers tools will also list all the rules that are currently affecting a given element, which properties are being modified, and which new values are being set. If your CSS code isn’t working as intended, you can check here to ensure your code is being recognized and applied correctly.

These are just two of the many ways that developer tools is a useful web development tool. I won’t mention it again in these lessons, but it’s essential you know how to access it!

Key Points

  • Use the three-file system to organize your app’s code to benefit from several R Shiny features within RStudio.
  • A global.R file is handy for storing all the code needed to fuel your app’s start-up and any other code your app needs that only needs to run once.
  • A CSS stylesheet holds CSS code for dictating your app’s aesthetics. One can be linked to an app inside of ui.R using tags$head().
  • UI elements get nested inside one another and must all be placed inside our UI object’s outermost container (here, a fluidPage()).
  • Most UI elements can be given id and class attributes use in CSS selectors. UI elements must be separated from one another in the UI with commas.
  • fluidRow() and column() can be used to create a “grid,” within which elements may arrange next to each other on wide screens but vertically on narrow screens, creating a responsive, mobile-first design with little fuss.
  • CSS styling requires using the right selector to target the right element(s). If you aren’t sure of the right selector to use, you can retrieve it using your browser’s developer tools.

Content from R Shiny's Core Concepts: Rendering and Outputting, Input Widgets, and Reactivity

Last updated on 2025-03-11 | Edit this page



  • How do I add cool features to my app?
  • How do I give my users meaningful things to do on my app?
  • How do I get my app to respond meaningfully to user actions?
  • How do I give users control over when/how my app responds?
  • How do I give myself control over when/how my app responds?
  • How is R Shiny server code different than code I may have written before?


  • Present data to users by adding a table to your UI.
  • Allow users to adjust how the table looks, and give them control over when it changes.
  • Define reactive context, event, event handling, declarative coding, and imperative coding.
  • Explain how and why R Shiny server code executes differently than R code.
  • Use isolation and observers to control event handling.
  • Expand your UI’s “real estate” by adding a tab set panel.

Going from nothing to something

As we saw at the end of the last lesson, our app doesn’t look like much…yet! It is just a title (and a footer, if you added one on your own) on an otherwise empty page.

In this lesson, we’ll fix that! As we add content to our app’s UI, we’ll learn three core concepts of using Shiny to build a website: 1) rendering and outputting UI elements, 2) input widgets, and 3) reactivity.

Our app will showcase the gapminder data set, which contains population, life expectancy, and economic data over time for most of the world’s countries:


gap = gapminder


Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'gapminder' not found




Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'gap' not found

Our goal will be to give users interesting ways to engage with these data. As we go, imagine how you might do the same for your own data sets!

Let’s start by giving users a table with which to view the raw gapminder data set.

If you think about it, a table is just a bunch of boxes (cells) within larger boxes (rows and columns) all within one outermost box (the table itself).

So, it makes sense that a table should be build-able in HTML, a language all about nested boxes! However, depending on the number of cells, it would require typing out a LOT of boxes to build such a table from scratch in HTML.

Fortunately, we don’t have to; we can have R do it! To build an element (like a table) complex enough that building it programmatically instead of “by hand” is appealing, and then to insert that complex element into our UI where a user can see it, we must:

  1. Make (i.e., render) that element on the server side of our app.

    • This involves first doing whatever “heavy lifting” is needed to assemble the underlying R object. For a table, e.g., we might use R to do some data manipulation, like joining two smaller tables together.
  2. Then, we convert (behind the scenes) that R object into its functional HTML equivalent, a process Shiny calls rendering.

  3. Lastly, we pass the rendered entity to the UI side. In the process, we indicate where in our UI we’d like the finished element to display, a process Shiny calls outputting.

For virtually every complex element you’d want to build in Shiny, there is a pair of functions designed to do those latter two steps. In this case, that pair is renderTable({}) on the server side and tableOutput() on the UI side. [Notice that most Shiny functions have camelCase names.]

Let’s use these two functions to add a basic table of the gapminder data set to our app’s UI:


##Place this code INSIDE your app's server function INSIDE your server.R file! 

output$basic_table = renderTable({

Above, we told R to render an “HTML-ized” version of the raw gapminder data frame. Because we wanted to render the raw data set with no modifications, we put just the data frame’s name inside renderTable{})’s braces. If we had wanted to do any operations on this data set first (such as filtering it or adding columns to it), though, we could have those operations using normal R code inside those braces. So long as it’s a table-like object, the last thing produced inside the braces is what gets rendered (placing anything else last will trigger an error).

Once we have a rendered, HTML-ized table on the server side, how do we pass it from the server to the UI? Remember that users only see what the server instructs a user’s browser to build in the UI, so we must tell R to “hand over” this rendered table to the UI somehow

Last lesson, recall that the app creates an object called output when the app boots up. Passing rendered elements from the server to the UI is output’s job. If an app is like a restaurant, then rendering is the process of “cooking” elements in the kitchen, and output is the waiter that brings finished elements into the dining room where users/customers can experience them.

For this to work, though, we need to give the rendered element a nickname (an outputId). Then, we use that outputId to “stick” the rendered element to output using the $ operator. Here, the outputId we set was basic_table.

Now, we just need to code the equivalent of “dropping our prepared element off at the right table.” We tell the app where to place the element with our placement of the tableOutput() call in our UI:


##This code should **replace** the "main" fluidRow() contained within the BODY section of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...

  column(width = 4),
  column(width = 8,

##... other UI code...

Here, we’ve placed our outputted table inside the “main panel” cell.

Why do we need to use our outputId as the input for tableOutput()? Wouldn’t it be enough to place an empty tableOutput() call here? Well, a single app might render and display many different tables. How would the app know which table should be displayed where, if all it had to go on was where tableOutput() calls were?

This ambiguity is cleared up by specifying the outputId of the specific table we want displayed in a specific location. In our restaurant analogy, the outputId is like the order ticket the waiter filled out when a table ordered food. output (our “waiter”) then uses that code later to figure out which prepared food belongs to which tables.

If we run the app now, it should look like this:

Our Shiny app with our basic HTML table of the gapminder data set.
Our Shiny app with our basic HTML table of the gapminder data set.

Our table is cool! But not terribly exciting…it looks a little drab (and long!), and users can’t actually do anything with it except look at it. The first problem we’ll fix later by swapping it for a fancier one. However, we can fix the second problem now.

Giving your users input

The value of a Shiny app can be measured in terms of how much it lets users do. To enable meaningful user interactions, we can add widgets. A widget is any element users can interact with and thus provide data to the app that it could use to respond in some way. In web development, user actions a webpage can watch for are called events; responding to an event (or choosing to not respond!) is called event handling.

Let’s start by adding an input widget to our UI so that new events are possible. Specifically, let’s add a selectInput() to our “sidebar.” This will produce a “drop-down menu”-style element that allows users to pick a choice from a pre-defined list. We’ll populate the list with the column names from the gapminder data set:


##This code should **replace** the "sidebar" cell contained within the main fluidRow() of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...

      width = 4,
        inputId = "sorted_column",
        label = "Select a column to sort the table by.",
        choices = names(gap) #<--OR WHATEVER YOU NAMED THIS OBJECT IN GLOBAL.R
##... other UI code...

Notice we provided selectInput() three inputs:

  1. An inputId is both an id for CSS as well as a nickname the app uses to pass this widget’s current value from the UI to the server. We’ll see how that works in a minute.

  2. The text we provide to label will accompany the widget in the UI and, usually, should explain to the user what the widget does (when it isn’t obvious).

  3. For choices, we provide a vector of values that’ll be the options in our drop-down menu.

While there are a few variations, most Shiny input widgets work a lot like selectInput(), so it’s a good first example.

Now, our app should look like this:

Our new selectInput, drop-down-menu-style widget.
Our new selectInput, drop-down-menu-style widget.

Very nice!

Except for two things. First, the choices in the drop-down menu are…ugly. Some are abbreviations that lack spaces between words and some also lack capital letters.

How could we fix this? Well, we could rename the columns in the data set, but while column names in R can contain spaces, at best, it’s annoying. Plus, longer and more complex names require more typing.

Instead, we can provide a named vector to choices. The names we give (left of the =) will be displayed in the drop-down menu, whereas the original column names (right of the =) will be retained internally for the app to use in operations:


##This code should **replace** the "sidebar" cell contained within the main fluidRow() of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...

      width = 4,
        inputId = "sorted_column",
        label = "Select a column to sort the table by.",
        choices = c(
          "Country" = "country",
          "Continent" = "continent",
          "Year" = "year",
          "Life expectancy" = "lifeExp",
          "Population size" = "pop",
          "GDP per capita" = "gdpPercap"
##... other UI code...

With that change made, our drop-down menu widget is looking much cleaner!

Now our choices look much more human-readable, but the original column names are preserved for work behind the scenes.
Now our choices look much more human-readable, but the original column names are preserved for work behind the scenes.

The more serious issue is that fiddling with the drop-down doesn’t do anything…yet. We’ve created something a user can interact with, triggering events, but we haven’t told the app how to handle them yet.

R’ll handle that

Let’s do that next. We’ll give users the ability to re-sort the table by the column they’ve selected using our drop-down widget. This requires only a modest adjustment to our server code:


##This code should **replace** the renderTable({}) call in your server.R file!

output$basic_table = renderTable({
  gap %>% 
    #USE dplyr's arrange() TO SORT BY THE PICKED COLUMN.
    arrange(!!sym(input$sorted_column)) #!! (PRONOUNCED "BANG-BANG") AND sym() ARE dplyr HACKS HERE, NOT R SHINY THINGS. DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT THEY DO.

Run the app and try it! As you select different columns using the drop-down menu, the table rebuilds, sorted by the column you’ve picked:

Now, when a user selects a new column using the drop-down widget, the table is rebuilt, sorted by that column.
Now, when a user selects a new column using the drop-down widget, the table is rebuilt, sorted by that column.

Earlier, we met output, which passes rendered elements from the server to the UI. Here, we meet input, which passes event data from the UI to the server. Here, input is passing the current value of the widget with the inputId of sorted_column over to the server every time that value changes. Our server code can use that value in operations, such as deciding how to sort the data in our rendered table.

More importantly, though, Shiny knows that input$sorted_column’s value could change at any moment. Objects with values that could change as a result of events are called reactive objects—at any time, they could change in reaction to something the user did.

Because we’ve used input$sorted_column in some of our server code, and because R knows that input$sorted_column’s value could change at any time, Shiny knows to be watching for such changes. Whenever it spots one, it’ll run any code that includes input$sorted_column again. The logic for this holds up: If input$sorted_column has changed, any outputs produced using its previous value as an input may now be “outdated,” so re-running the associated code and producing new outputs makes sense!

Because the code inside renderTable({}) contains input$sorted_column, that code will re-run every time input$sorted_column changes, which happens every time the user selects a new column from the drop-down menu. We’re successfully handling events triggered by our user’s interactions with our input widget!


There is just one small but important technical detail: Shiny can’t watch for changes in reactive objects everywhere—it can only do so within reactive contexts. A reactive context is a code block that R knows to watch for changes because reactive objects can be there and those might change. It makes sense that we can only put these kinds of “changeable” objects inside code blocks that R knows might contain such objects!


Try it: Pause here to prove the previous point. Copy input$sorted_column and paste it anywhere inside your server function but outside of renderTable({})’s braces. Then, run your app. It should immediately crash! Note the R error that prints in your R Console when it does; rephrase that error messages in your own words.

You’ll get an error that looks like this:

Error in $: Can't access reactive value 'sorted_column' outside of reactive consumer. ℹ Do you need to wrap inside reactive() or observe()?

This error notes that input$sorted_column is a reactive object (R is calling it a reactive value; the distinction isn’t important) and that you’ve tried to reference it outside of a reactive context (R is calling it a reactive consumer, which is also not an important distinction). R is not prepared to be watching for such an object in the place we’ve put it.

How do we recognize reactive contexts so we know where we can and can’t put entities like input$sorted_column? Generally speaking, when an R Shiny server-side function takes, as an input, an expression bounded by braces ( {} ), that expression becomes a reactive context (this isn’t strictly true, as we’ll soon see, but it’s a good first assumption).

Maybe you’ve noticed the curly braces inside renderTable({}) and wondered what they’re for? The main input to every render*() function is an expression for creating a reactive context!

That means R assumes that every complex element we render server-side might need to be re-rendered because the user changes something. The code we provide to renderTable({}) is treated as a general set of instructions for how to handle changing values of input$sorted_column, no matter what new value gets picked or when. And the solution Shiny uses in those cases will always be “re-run this expression.”

How R Shiny differs from “normal R”

You’re hopefully realizing that coding in R Shiny (on both the UI and server sides) is different from coding in “normal R” in some key ways.

For many regular R users, the “nestedness” of UI code probably feels strange (it should—we’re really writing thinly veiled HTML!). Meanwhile, server-side, having to anticipate ways users might interact with our app and then code generalized instructions for how the app should respond, no matter when or under what circumstances, also probably feels strange.

It shouldR Shiny server code is not like normal R code! In fact, it’s an entirely different paradigm of programming than the one you might be most familiar with. Normal R code is generally executed imperatively. That is, it is run from the first command provided to the last one, as fast as possible, as soon as we (the user) hit “run.”

Server-side Shiny code, meanwhile, is executed declaratively. That is, it generally runs once when the app starts up, but, after that, it never runs again unless and until it is triggered to run by one or more specific events.

[Caveat: The above is true when R is deciding which reactive contexts to run and when; however, the R code within those contexts still runs imperatively, once the reactive context it’s within is chosen to run.]

These two different paradigms can be compared with an analogy: Imagine you are in a sandwich shop ordering a sandwich. You probably expect the employees to begin making your sandwich as soon after you’ve place your order as possible, based on particulars you’ve specified (what you want to order). In that analogy, the relationship between you and the shop is imperative; you gave a “command” and the sandwich shop “executed” that command as quickly as it could based on the inputs you’ve provided.

Meanwhile, the relationship between the shop’s manager and their employees is declarative. The manager can’t know which customers will come in on a given day, when those customers will show up, or which sandwiches they’ll order. So, they can’t give their employees precise “commands” and specific instructions of when to execute them or in what order. Instead, they have to tell their employees to “watch for customers” and, when those customers arrive and place orders, they should use a generalized set of guidelines to handle whatever orders have been placed with whatever inputs were provided.

As web developers, our relationship with our users is similar. We can’t know who will show up and what exactly they might decide to do and when. However, we can anticipate actions they might be likely to take (in fact, we can steer them towards specific actions with our design!) and then give the app generalized enough instructions that it can take care of all those different requests whenever (or if ever) they occur.

Another way to think about this distinction between imperative evaluation in R and directive evaluation in R Shiny is that, in the former, you are the user, and you are present now, so R should strive to meet your needs immediately, and you can be highly precise about what those needs are and how they should be met. In the latter, though, your users are the visitors to your website, and even though you’re writing the code for your website now, its users won’t arrive until later. So, your code needs to let R know what it should do later on, when you’re not around, but your users are.


Check for understanding: How does the code we’ve written so far in our server.R file execute differently than code we’d write in a traditional R script? How does the code inside of renderTable({})’s braces differ from traditional R code we might write?

Server-side R code is broken up into many commands that create reactive contexts, each of which is tasked with generating one or more complex UI elements and/or handling user actions. Unlike traditional R code, these reactive contexts execute not when we hit “run” but instead when a user performs a triggering action. So, they each might run many times, or once when the app starts and then never again.

Plus, reactive contexts will (re)-run based on user actions, not based on their placement within the file. So, your server-side will often run in an “order” very different than the “top-down” order we usually expect R code to run in.

Inside a reactive context, meanwhile, things are more traditional; code inside a reactive context will run just once, from top to bottom, as quickly as possible, as soon as that context is triggered to (re)run. However, the difference is that these contexts might contain reactive objects whose values might frequently change, so our code needs to be set up to accommodate any potential value they may take.

Buttoning this up

By this point, R now knows that:

  1. Users might select new columns in our input widget (events),

  2. It should watch out for any such events, specifically those affecting reactive objects (like input$sorted_column) inside of renderTable({})’s reactive context, and

  3. If any events occur, it should re-execute the code inside renderTable({})’s braces, re-generating the table in line with the generalized instructions we’ve provided, including those that influence how the table is sorted.

In this circumstance (a simple table that users can adjust via just one input widget), this setup is probably fine.

However, imagine that users have access to several input widgets instead of one. If we used this same approach to handle events from all those inputs, a user adjusting any one input would trigger the table re-rendering process.

That might make our table undesirably reactive! Users often expect to have a say in when exactly an app changes states. Maybe they expect to be able to experiment with all available widgets to find the combination of selections they are most interested in. Maybe the table loads slowly, so users would prefer not to wait through the rebuilding process until they’re “ready.” Maybe some users just want to be “in control” because they’d find the updating process distracting when it happens not on their terms.

In any case, we can give users greater control by adding another input widget: an actionButton().


##This code should **replace** the "sidebar" cell contained within the main fluidRow() of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...

      width = 4,
        inputId = "sorted_column",
        label = "Select a column to sort the table by.",
        choices = c(
          "Country" = "country",
          "Continent" = "continent",
          "Year" = "year",
          "Life expectancy" = "lifeExp",
          "Population size" = "pop",
          "GDP per capita" = "gdpPercap"
      actionButton(inputId = "go_button", label = "Go!")
##... other UI code...

The code we’ve added above adds a simple, button-style widget to our app’s sidebar. It says Go! on it (label), and it’s current value (a number equal to the number of times it’s been pressed, or NULL if it hasn’t been pressed yet) will be passed from the UI to the server via input$go_button.

A new “Go” button has been added to our app’s sidebar panel.
A new “Go” button has been added to our app’s sidebar panel.

Now, we need to tell R how to handle presses of our button (until then, pressing it won’t do anything!).

Here, we want the table to update only whenever the button is pressed (i.e., whenever input$go_button’s value changes). We also no longer want changes to input$sorted_column to cause the table to update.

Here’s where we hit a snag: renderTable({})’s reactive context is “indiscriminate;” any change in any reactive object it contains will trigger the reactive context to rerun. So, simply adding input$go_button to that reactive context will not prevent changes in input$sorted_column from triggering a rerun too. But we can’t just remove input$sorted_column from the reactive context because, then, we couldn’t use its current value to decide what column to sort by when we the context does re-run.

Are we stuck? No. Thankfully, Shiny has a function for these kinds of situations: isolate(). Wrapping any reactive object with isolate() allows R to use that object’s current value to do work, but that object loses its ability to trigger events in that context.

Here’s how we can use isolate() to achieve the desired outcome:


##This code should **replace** the renderTable({}) call contained within your server.R file!

output$basic_table = renderTable({
  gap %>% 

Now, when users fiddle with the drop-down widget, nothing happens…until they press the button. Then, and only then, does the table re-render, using their most recent selection in the drop-down as an input to that process.

Thanks to isolate(), our table only re-renders when the “Go” button is pressed, but the drop-down menu’s current value is still used at that time.
Thanks to isolate(), our table only re-renders when the “Go” button is pressed, but the drop-down menu’s current value is still used at that time.

Being observant

This approach works just fine in this simplistic situation. It can get unwieldy, however, if you have many inputs you’d need to find and isolate inside a complex reactive context.

For situations in which you want your app to respond in a specific way only when a single specific reactive object changes, especially when the response involves a bunch of other reactive objects you don’t want to trigger events, we can make our event handling more precise using observeEvent({},{}):


##This code should **replace** the renderTable({}) call contained within your server.R file!

output$basic_table = renderTable({

observeEvent(input$go_button, { 

  output$basic_table = renderTable({
  gap %>% 
    arrange(!!sym(input$sorted_column)) #NO NEED FOR isolate() ANY LONGER

If you restart your app having made the adjustments above to your server code, you will be able to confirm that the app works exactly the same as before, showing that both approaches work to accomplish the same goal.

Note that we wrote observeEvent({},{}) with two sets of braces. That’s because we give it, as inputs, two expressions. These have a particular relationship:

  1. R watches only the first for events (it’s the only reactive expression of the two).

  2. R only ever executes the second expression, and only due to changes in the first).

    • In a sense, it’s like the entire second expression has been isolate()d, and the entire first expression has been “muted” in that it can’t produce outputs!

So, observeEvent({},{}) is the equivalent of telling R “if [first expression] changes, do [second expression],” a level of precision in our event handling that we very often want! It’s for this reason I use observeEvent({},{} often in my apps—they make an app’s responses to user actions much more predictable than other approaches.

Totally tabular

We now have all the conceptual tools to build a really cool app! In the next lesson, we’ll replace our current table with a cooler one, and we’ll add map and graph widgets too. To keep all this new content organized, let’s add tabs to our main panel, one for each complex interactive feature.

We can do this using the Shiny functions tabsetPanel(), which creates a box to hold all the tabs, and tabPanel(), which creates a box for the contents of one tab:


##This code should **replace** the content of the "main panel" cell within the BODY section of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...

    column(width = 8, 
      ###TABLE TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Table", 
               tableOutput("basic_table")),#RELOCATE THE TABLE INTO THIS NEW TAB.
      ###MAP TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Map"),
      ###GRAPH TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Graph")

##... other UI code...

Now, if we look at our app, we’ll see we have three tabs in our main panel area, with titles in their tab headings that we provided in our UI code:

We’ve split our “main panel” cell into three tabs using a tabsetPanel().
We’ve split our “main panel” cell into three tabs using a tabsetPanel().

We can swap between tabs using each tab panel’s tab (the terminology here is awkward!), just like in a browser. The second and third tab panels are currently empty, but not for long! We’ll add new features to them in the next lesson.


Imagine you have two observers that are watching the same reactive object such that, when that reactive object changes, both observers should begin to execute. What do you think will happen?

In complex applications, the scenario described here is surprisingly common, and it can actually be a problem!

In Shiny, both observers would invalidate, meaning they have both been “scheduled” to re-run. Shiny then selects to re-run one of them first (somewhat arbitrarily) and allows it to finish completely before allowing the next one to re-run. Shiny does not (by default) allow observers to run at the same time (“in parallel”), so they will always run in some sequence instead.

If the two observers have completely independent roles, this circumstance is maybe fine. However, if the observers depend upon one another (e.g., observer 1 is meant to use up-to-date outputs from observer 2’s operations), then the order in which the observers run matters. If observer 1 runs first, it may use outdated inputs.

When the exact order in which observers )or other reactive contexts) re-run matters, developers refer to this as a race condition, as though the two reactive contexts are “racing” each other. Race conditions are a common source of bugs in directive evaluation contexts.

While it’s best to design apps such that observers are independent or don’t need to watch the same reactive objects, it’s sometimes unavoidable. In those instances, observeEvent({},{})’s priority parameter can be used—R will use the values specified to priority to decide the order “racing” observers should execute in-.

Key Points

  • Complex UI elements, like tables, first need to be rendered server-side using a render*({}) function and then placed within our UI using an *Output() function.
  • Rendered entities are passed from the server to the UI via the output object using the outputIds we provided them when we rendered them.
  • Input widgets are UI elements that allow users to interact with our app in pre-defined and familiar ways. The current values of these widgets are passed from the UI to the server via the input object using the inputIds we provided them when we created them.
  • R knows to watch reactive objects (like those attached to input) for changes. Any such changes are events. Event handling is coding how the app should respond to an event.
  • The primary way Shiny handles events is by re-running any reactive contexts containing the reactive object(s) that just changed (unless those objects have been isolate()d, in which case they can’t trigger events but they can be used in operations).
  • Server-side, reactive contexts are triggered to run directively (when a precipitating event occurs), not imperatively (when a coder hits “run”). They might run in any order, many times, or never—it all depends on what the user does.
  • However, once a reactive context begins executing, its contents are executed imperatively, like “normal,” until they complete (even if that takes a long time!), during which time the app will be unresponsive.
  • Observers (like observeEvent({},{})) allow for more precise event-handling; observeEvent({},{})s only rerun their second expression and only in response to events that occur in their first expression, so they enable precise “If X, then Y” event handling.
  • tabPanel() and tabsetPanel() create a “tabular layout,” dividing one UI space into several, only one of which is visible at a time.

Content from Shiny Showstoppers: DTs and Leaflets and Plotlys, Oh My!

Last updated on 2025-03-11 | Edit this page



  • How do I add an interactive map/table/graph to my app?
  • What features do these widgets have?
  • How do I adjust their appearance?
  • How can I modify these widgets to handle events without simply rebuilding them each time?
  • What events related to these widgets can I watch for?


  • Name the essential functions of the DT, leaflet and plotly packages.
  • Experiment with the standard interactive features of the plots/tables/maps produced by these packages, and recognize how to disable them.
  • Customize the look and feel of these graphics.
  • Update complex interactive graphics instead of remaking them using proxies.
  • Recognize some events a user might trigger on these complex interactive graphics and how to watch for them.


At a few point, this lesson’s code may produce warnings when executed. Ignore these—the code works as intended!

Catching up

In case you need it, here is the complete ui.R, global.R, and server.R code up to this point:


ui = fluidPage(

    tags$link(href = "styles.css",
              rel = "stylesheet"),
    tags$title("Check this out!")

  h1("Our amazing Shiny app!",
     id = "header"),

    column(width = 4,
             inputId = "sorted_column",
             label = "Select a column to sort the table by.",
             choices = names(gap)
             inputId = "go_button",
             label = "Go!")
    column(width = 8, tabsetPanel(
      tabPanel(title = "Table", tableOutput("table1")),
      tabPanel(title = "Map"),
      tabPanel(title = "Graph") 

  tags$footer("This is my app")



gap =


server = function(input, output, session) {

  output$table1 = renderTable({

               ignoreInit = FALSE, {

      output$table1 = renderTable({
        gap %>%



While input widgets like drop-down menus and buttons are powerful ways to give users control of your app and enable many powerful forms of interactive engagement, they aren’t always transformative by themselves. There are much more powerful widgets!

And, since our app’s server is powered by R—a programming language built for data work—it make senses we’d be able to include widgets that put data at our users’ fingertips in cool ways. Of all the data-centered widgets, few are more familiar and enlightening than tables, maps, and graphs. Because these graphics are so ubiquitous, it probably won’t surprise you that there are JavaScript packages for creating web-enabled, interactive versions of these graphic types.

While there are others, in this lesson we’ll use the DT (tables), leaflet (maps), and plotly (graphs) packages to produce these graphics; each has been ported into R + R Shiny via packages of the same names. Each package could easily be a course unto itself! As such, we’ll look only at the basic idea that cut across them all—greater depth can be found elsewhere.

Learning leaflet and plotly, specifically, come with challenges we’ll have to negotiate:

  • leaflet builds maps, which represent spatial data. These, and the packages that work with them (e.g., sf), are complicated! I’ll gloss over the details, but we’ll need to occasionally borrow tools from sf to accomplish anything.

  • If you’re familiar with ggplot2 (or a comparable data visualization suite), you already know that learning programmatic graph-making can have a steep learning curve. plotly has the same curve (perhaps a steeper one for R users, since it’s very JavaScript-like). Again, I’ll gloss over the details, but even the basics may be a lift.

Let’s start simple, then, with DT, which will feature constructs most like those we’re already familiar with. Let’s swap out our functional but drab table for a better, DT table. Along the way, we can learn all the key concepts we’ll need to tackle leaflet and plotly too.

Turning the tables

Basic table

All we must do to swap out our old table for a new one (besides loading DT by executing library(DT), if you haven’t done so!) is to change our renderTable({}) and tableOutput() calls to renderDT({}) and dataTableOutput() calls:


##This code should **replace** ALL table-related code contained within your server.R file!

  output$table1 = renderDT({ #<--CHANGE FUNCTION

               ignoreInit = FALSE, {

   output$table1 = renderDT({ #<--CHANGE FUNCTION
      gap %>%



##This code should **replace** the content of the "main panel" cell within the BODY section of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...

    column(width = 8, tabsetPanel(
      ###TABLE TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Table", 
        dataTableOutput(outputId = "table1")), #<--CHANGE FUNCTION
      ###MAP TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Map"),
      ###GRAPH TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Graph")

##... other UI code...

Once you’ve made the changes represented above, restart your app. When you do, you’ll notice our new table looks very different:

DT tables come with several interactive features, including pagination, searching, row selection, and column sorting (indicated by red arrows).
DT tables come with several interactive features, including pagination, searching, row selection, and column sorting (indicated by red arrows).
  • Our table is now paginated, i.e., divided into pages. Users can flip between pages using numbered buttons as well as “Next” and “Previous” buttons in the bottom-right. Users can also change page length in the upper-left. These features limit how much data is shown at once when a data set has many rows, and they also keep the table a more consistent height in your UI.

  • It’s searchable—users can type strings (chunks of letters/numbers/symbols) into the search box in the upper-right; the table will filter to only rows containing that string anywhere.

  • It’s sortable—users can click the up/down arrows next to each column’s name to sort the table by that column. [You’ll note this functionality makes our drop-down menu widget redundant!]

  • It’s (modestly) styled—it’s visually more appealing than our previous table because it comes with some automatic CSS (bold column names and “zebra striping,” e.g.).

    [Side-note: Web developers call elements with pre-set CSS rules opinionated. Opinionated elements are nice in that they require less styling, but if you do choose to restyle them, it can be hard to overcome their “opinions.”]

  • It’s selectable—users can click to highlight rows. This event doesn’t actually do anything by default besides change the table’s appearance, but it could be handled in some clever way.

Now that we have a DT table (or any complex interactive graphic), there are four things we’ll very commonly want to do to it:

  1. Simplify its functionality.

  2. Customize its style.

  3. Watch for relevant events.

  4. Update it to handle those events.

Let’s tackle the first two items first.

More (or less) basic DT

As we saw, DT tables come with many interactive features! However, “more” is not always “better” from a UX (user experience) standpoint. Some users might find certain features confusing, especially if they aren’t necessary, are poorly explained, or don’t result in obvious reactions. Others may find having a lot of features overwhelming, even if they do understand them all.

The datatable() function’s options parameter allows us to reduce the features our table:


##This code should **replace** ALL table-related code contained within your server.R file!

  output$table1 = renderDT({
    gap %>% 
        selection = "none", #<--TURNS OFF ROW SELECTION
        options = list(
          info = FALSE, #<--NO BOTTOM-LEFT INFO
          ordering = FALSE, #<--NO SORTING
          searching = FALSE #<--NO SEARCH BAR

  observeEvent(input$go_button, { 
    output$table1 = renderDT({
      gap %>% 
        arrange(!!sym(input$sorted_column)) %>% 
        #SAME AS ABOVE
          selection = "none", 
          options = list(
            info = FALSE, 
            ordering = FALSE,
            searching = FALSE 

That’s better! Potentially, this version is more digestible and intuitive for our users (and could be easier for us to explain and handle too!):

Notice that, in this DT, there are no sorting arrows, and there is no search bar or current page info in the bottom-left. Row selection is also disabled.
Notice that, in this DT, there are no sorting arrows, and there is no search bar or current page info in the bottom-left. Row selection is also disabled.

More broadly, if a DT table (or any other complex interactive graphic) has a feature, you should assume you can turn it off (you may simply have to Google for the way to do it).

Next, let’s tinker with our table’s aesthetics. Let’s make three changes that demonstrate what’s possible:

  1. Let’s round the gdpPercap column.

  2. Let’s make the continent column center-aligned.

  3. Let’s highlight all rows with lifeExp values > 70 in pink.

We’ll use functions from the format*() and style*() families—specifically, formatRound(), formatStyle(), and styleEqual():


##This code should **replace** ALL table-related code contained within your server.R file!

  output$table1 = renderDT({
    gap %>%
        selection = "none",
        options = list(
          info = FALSE,
          ordering = FALSE,
          searching = FALSE
      ) %>%
      formatRound(columns = "gdpPercap", 
                  digits = 2) %>%
      formatStyle(columns = "continent", 
                  textAlign = "center") %>% #<--COMPARE WITH text-align: center; FORMAT
        columns = "lifeExp", #<--wHAT COLUMN WILL WE CONDITIONALLY FORMAT BY?
        backgroundColor = styleEqual(
          levels = gap$lifeExp, 
          values = ifelse(gap$lifeExp > 70, "lightpink", "white") #WHAT RULE WILL WE USE, AND WHAT NEW CSS VALUES WILL WE SET FOR EACH POSSIBILITY?

               ignoreInit = FALSE, {

                 output$table1 = renderDT({
                   gap %>%
                     arrange(!!sym(input$sorted_column)) %>%
                       selection = "none",
                       options = list(
                         info = FALSE,
                         ordering = FALSE,
                         searching = FALSE
                     ) %>%
      formatRound(columns = "gdpPercap", digits = 2) %>%
      formatStyle(columns = "continent", textAlign = "center") %>%
        columns = "lifeExp",
        target = "row",
        backgroundColor = styleEqual(
          levels = gap$lifeExp, 
          values = ifelse(gap$lifeExp > 70, "lightpink", "white")

Note that, now, our continent column values are center-aligned, our GDP data have been rounded, and any row with a life expectancy value greater than 70 is now in light pink, perhaps helping these rows stand out for our users.
Note that, now, our continent column values are center-aligned, our GDP data have been rounded, and any row with a life expectancy value greater than 70 is now in light pink, perhaps helping these rows stand out for our users.

format*() functions ask us to pick one or more columns to restyle. Then, we provide property and value pairings as inputs, just as we would in CSS, but using “R-like” syntax, e.g., textAlign = center versus text-align: center;.

If we want to format columns, rows, or cells conditionally, i.e., formatting only some rows according to a rule, we use the style*() functions. In the example above, we used styleEqual() to apply a light pink background to only rows with life expectancy values greater than 70. These rows might then stand out better to users, enabling new workflows.

Update, don’t remake, DT edition!

So far, when user actions have spurred a change to our table (e.g., how it’s sorted), we’ve re-rendered the entire table to handle those events.

This approach works, but it’s undesirable for (at least) four reasons:

  1. With large data sets, it could be slow! Remember that, as R code executes server-side, the app must remain unresponsive until that execution finishes, so users will have to wait in the meantime.

  2. To the user, the table may “flicker” out and in again as it’s remade (if the process is fast), which might look “glitch-y.”

    1. If the process is slow, however, the table will instead “gray out” and the whole app will appear to “freeze” while the underlying code executes.
  3. If the user has customized the table in any way (they’ve navigated to a specific page, e.g.), those customizations are lost (unless we store that information and re-apply it, which is possible but tedious).

  4. As we’ve seen, rebuilding the table often necessitates repeating the same table-building code in multiple places—first when we build the initial table and again when we re-build it. This “code bloat” makes your code harder to manage and makes it more likely you will introduce inconsistencies.

If you think about it, if all we’re doing is changing the data our table is displaying, there’s no need to remake the whole table—why rebuild all rows, columns, and cells when we just need to change their contents?


Whenever possible, we should update a complex interactive graphic rather than remake it.

To update complex interactive graphics “on the fly,” we can use a construct called a proxy. A proxy is a connection that our app’s server makes with the client’s UI with respect to a specific element—it’s like a phone call between a specific reactive context and the element the user is currently seeing.

Through the proxy, our server code can describe what specific changes need to be made, and the user’s browser can make just those changes without redrawing the table, requesting all the data again, or disabling the user’s control over the app. Such a “direct line of communication” enables cleaner and snappier adjustment of complex elements than using a render*({}) function.

DT’s proxy function, dataTableProxy(), takes as input the outputId of the table to update. We then pipe that proxy into a helper function to specify which specific changes we’re requesting. For example, we’ll use the helper function replaceData() to targetedly swap out some (or all) of the data contained with the table’s cells, leaving all else unchanged.

Up until now, we handled column re-sorting using renderDT({}). Let’s switch to using dataTableProxy() to handle these events instead:


##This code should **replace** ALL table-related code contained within your server.R file!

##... other server code...

  output$table1 = renderDT({
    gap %>%
        selection = "none",
        options = list(
          info = FALSE,
          ordering = FALSE,
          searching = FALSE
      ) %>%
      formatRound(columns = "gdpPercap", digits = 2) %>%
      formatStyle(columns = "continent", textAlign = "center") %>%
        columns = "lifeExp",
        target = "row",
        backgroundColor = styleEqual(
          levels = gap$lifeExp,
          values = ifelse(gap$lifeExp > 70, "lightpink", "white")

               ignoreInit = FALSE, {
  sorted_gap = gap %>%
  dataTableProxy(outputId = "table1") %>% 
    replaceData(data = sorted_gap, 
                resetPaging = FALSE) #<--OPTIONAL, BUT NICE.

  ##... other server code...

If you try the app with the changes outlined above made, it won’t look or behave all that different. However, that’s only because this particular table is so quick to rebuild! With a more complex table and a larger data set, this approach would be cleaner, faster, and less disruptive for the user. Their page choice and row selection could be maintained between updates, and they could continue to use the app while the table updated if they wanted to (it wouldn’t freeze). And, importantly, this approach requires far less code overall and eliminates the duplicate code we’ve had so far!

Watch and learn

Interactive graphics like our DT table aren’t just a cool way to show data—they’re widgets in their own right, and user interactions with them can trigger events we could handle, just as with any other widget.

Let’s see an example. First, recall that row selection doesn’t trigger events by default. Let’s turn selection back on by changing the selection parameter inside datatable() from "none" to list(mode = "single", target = "cell"), which’ll enable users to select one cell at a time:


##This code should **replace** the code that creates your initial table within your server.R file!

##... other server code...

  output$table1 = renderDT({
    gap %>%
        selection = list(mode = "single", target = "cell"), #<--TURN SELECTION ON, TARGETING INDIVIDUAL CELLS.
        options = list(
          info = FALSE,
          ordering = FALSE,
          searching = FALSE
      ) %>%
      formatRound(columns = "gdpPercap", digits = 2) %>%
      formatStyle(columns = "continent", textAlign = "center") %>%
        columns = "lifeExp",
        target = "row",
        backgroundColor = styleEqual(
          levels = gap$lifeExp,
          values = ifelse(gap$lifeExp > 70, "lightpink", "white")
##... other server code...

Next, let’s create a new observer that will watch for cell selection. Event information regarding cell selection will be passed from the UI to the server via the input object using input$[outputId]_cells_selected format, so input$table1_cells_selected is the reactive object our observer will watch. For now, we’ll make this observer’s only operation to print the value of input$table1_cells_selected to the R Console every time a new cell is clicked so we can see what this object looks like:


##This code should be **added to** your server.R file within the server function!

##... other server code...

observeEvent({input$table1_cells_selected}, {



##... other server code...

If you run the app now and select some cells, you’ll observe that input$table1_cells_selected returns a matrix. Either this matrix has no rows (when no cell is selected, such as at app start-up) or one row with two values: row and column numbers for the selected cell.

By using print(), we can see that our cell selection reactive object is a matrix holding the row and column numbers of the cell selected by the user.
By using print(), we can see that our cell selection reactive object is a matrix holding the row and column numbers of the cell selected by the user.

Of course, we aren’t handling these cell selection events right now; the app doesn’t yet respond in any new way.

Let’s change that. First, let’s add a renderText({}) call inside our new observer and a textOutput() call to our UI, beneath our table:


##This code should **replace** the observeEvent that watches for cell selections in your server.R file!

##... other server code...

  observeEvent({input$table1_cells_selected}, {

    output$selection_text = renderText({

  ##... other server code...


##This code should **replace** the content of the "main panel" cell within the BODY section of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...

    column(width = 8, tabsetPanel(
      ###TABLE TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Table", 
        dataTableOutput(outputId = "table1"),
        textOutput("selection_text")), #<--ADD textOutput HERE. 
      ###MAP TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Map"),
      ###GRAPH TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Graph")

##... other UI code...

renderText({}) and textOutput() create and display text blocks, as you might guess from their names! We can use them to programmatically generate text and display it to users. Let’s use these functions to generate text whenever a life expectancy, GDP per capita, or population value is selected. Let’s have that text reference the selected value as well as the associated country and year. This will require a little “R elbow grease,” but no new Shiny code:


##This code should **replace** the observeEvent that watches for cell selections in your server.R file!

##... other server code...

  observeEvent({input$table1_cells_selected}, {

    if(length(input$table1_cells_selected) > 0) {
    row_num = input$table1_cells_selected[1]
    col_num = input$table1_cells_selected[2]
    if(col_num >= 4 & col_num <= 6) {

    country = gap$country[row_num]
    year = gap$year[row_num]
    datum = gap[row_num, col_num]

      if(col_num == 4) {
        col_string = "life expectancy"
      if(col_num == 5) {
        col_string = "population"
      if(col_num == 6) {
        col_string = "GDP per capita"

    output$selection_text = renderText({

      paste0("In ", year, ", ", country, " had a ",
             col_string, " of ", datum, ".")


Error in observeEvent({: could not find function "observeEvent"


  ##... other server code...

If you make all the changes outlined above, you should see something like this when you run the app and select cells:

Whenever we click a value in the last three columns, some procedurally generated text appears on screen beneath our table.
Whenever we click a value in the last three columns, some procedurally generated text appears on screen beneath our table.

By using renderText({}) and textOutput() to handle these events, we generate dynamic text that a user might feel is personal to them and their actions, even though it’s procedurally generated!


If you’ve been extra observant, you might realize there are two issues with our new cell selection observer.

First, if you watch the end of the clip above, you’ll notice that, while selecting a cell will cause the rendered text message to appear or change, de-selecting a selected cell does not cause the rendered text to disappear, as the user might expect.

How would you adjust the code to remove the message when a user de-selects a cell (or selects an inappropriate cell, such as one in the first three columns)? Hint: If you leave a render*({}) function’s expression blank, an empty box will get rendered.

Our current code uses if()s to determine if a user has selected a cell at all and, if so, if that cell is appropriate. We can pair these two if()s with elses that eliminate the rendered text whenever no (appropriate) cell has been selected:


##This code should **replace** the observeEvent that watches for cell selections in your server.R file!

##... other server code...

  observeEvent({input$table1_cells_selected}, {

    else_condition = renderText({}) #OUR ELSE CONDITION WILL BE TO RENDER NOTHING.

    if(length(input$table1_cells_selected) > 0) {

      row_num = input$table1_cells_selected[1]
      col_num = input$table1_cells_selected[2]

      if(col_num >= 4 & col_num <= 6) {

        country = gap$country[row_num]
        year = gap$year[row_num]
        datum = gap[row_num, col_num]

        if(col_num == 4) {
          col_string = "life expectancy"
        if(col_num == 5) {
          col_string = "population"
        if(col_num == 6) {
          col_string = "GDP per capita"

        output$selection_text = renderText({

          paste0("In ", year, ", ", country, " had a ",
                 col_string, " of ", datum, ".")
      } else {
        output$selection_text = else_condition
    } else {
      output$selection_text = else_condition
  ##... other server code...

Now, if you start your app and select a cell that yields our procedurally generated text, then click that cell again to de-select it, the text will also disappear.



Second, our current code does not acknowledge the possibility that the table the user is clicking on may have been sorted by a column other than country (the default).

If it has been otherwise sorted, a user will click cells based on the sorted data set they see, but our code currently assumes the row and column numbers are to be used for the unsorted data set. As such, it’ll most likely grab values from the wrong row if the table has been re-sorted!

How could you adjust the code to first determine if the table is sorted differently than the raw data set is and, if so, reference the sorted data set instead?

This question is a purposeful trap; it doesn’t actually have a simple solution you’re intended to know yet!

Allow me to explain: By default, the app doesn’t track if the table is sorted and, if so, how. We can’t simply ask “Hey Shiny, what column is the table sorted by, and is that different than what we started with?” At best, we’d need to use context clues and logic to figure out how the table the user can currently see is sorted and proceed accordingly.

The first solution that came to mind for me was to take the row and column numbers of the cell the user has selected and get the value in that cell in both the original data set and in a version of the data set sorted according to the current selection in our drop-down menu widget. If these two values don’t match, then the table is probably sorted by a different column than the original data set was:


##This code should **replace** the observeEvent that watches for cell selections in your server.R file!

##... other server code...

  observeEvent({input$table1_cells_selected}, {

    else_condition = renderText({})

    if(length(input$table1_cells_selected) > 0) {

      row_num = input$table1_cells_selected[1]
      col_num = input$table1_cells_selected[2]

      if(col_num >= 4 & col_num <= 6) {

        datum = gap[row_num, col_num]

        sorted_gap = gap %>%

        sorted_datum = sorted_gap[row_num, col_num]

        if(sorted_datum == datum) {
          datum = datum
          country = gap$country[row_num]
          year = gap$year[row_num]
        } else {
          datum = sorted_datum
          country = sorted_gap$country[row_num]
          year = sorted_gap$year[row_num]

        if(col_num == 4) {
          col_string = "life expectancy"
        if(col_num == 5) {
          col_string = "population"
        if(col_num == 6) {
          col_string = "GDP per capita"

        output$selection_text = renderText({

          paste0("In ", year, ", ", country, " had a ",
                 col_string, " of ", datum, ".")
      } else {
        output$selection_text = else_condition
    } else {
      output$selection_text = else_condition
  ##... other server code...

Now, this solution certainly works better than what we had before—the app seems to successfully acknowledge when the table has been sorted versus when it hasn’t:

With the two adjustments outlined above, our app now successfully removes our text when a user de-selects a cell. The table also seems to successfully acknowledge when the table has been sorted versus when it hasn’t when rendering our procedural text.
With the two adjustments outlined above, our app now successfully removes our text when a user de-selects a cell. The table also seems to successfully acknowledge when the table has been sorted versus when it hasn’t when rendering our procedural text.

This solution seems to work—when the table is sorted by a new column, such as by year, our procedural text references the right row when procedurally generating text.

However, there’s a very likely scenario in which this “solution” would fail! Consider that a user can select a new column to sort by at any time, but they must hit “go” before the sorting actually happens. If they ever select a new column and then select a cell before hitting “go,” they will “trick” our code into thinking the table has been re-sorted when, in fact, it hasn’t:

This clip shows that our “solution” is easy to trick. If a user selects a new column in the drop-down menu but doesn’t trigger the table to re-sort before selecting a cell, our code will think the table has been re-sorted when it hasn’t and will reference the wrong row’s data in our procedural text.
This clip shows that our “solution” is easy to trick. If a user selects a new column in the drop-down menu but doesn’t trigger the table to re-sort before selecting a cell, our code will think the table has been re-sorted when it hasn’t and will reference the wrong row’s data in our procedural text.

There’s another problem with our “solution:” What about duplicate values? If the table has been sorted, but the two values we compare just so happen to be equal, our code will assume the table has not been sorted when perhaps it has!

Yikes! This is a challenging problem. Luckily, there is at least one solution, but it’s outside the scope of this lesson (to use reactive({}) to create a new reactive object that serves as a tracker for what column the table has been sorted by most recently that we can update and access whenever we want).

However, we can nonetheless learn a valuable lesson from this example:


Every time you give users a new way to interact with your app, you vastly increase the number of permutations of actions users could perform. Will they do this, and then that? Or the reverse?

That means far more potential circumstances to anticipate and then handle with your code. This is why designing your app ahead of time and adding interactivity judiciously is essential.

Putting us on the map


leaflet is a JS (and now R) package for creating web-enabled, interactive maps of spatial data, such as latitude-longitude coordinates. So, we need some spatial data! In the setup instructions, we asked you to download a version of the gapminder data set we’ve prepared containing spatial data using this link: Link to the gapminder data set with attached spatial data. If you haven’t downloaded that yet, do so now.

Once you’ve downloaded it, move it to your R Project folder and then load it into R using the following command:


##Add this code in your global.R file!

##... other global code...
gap_map = readRDS("gapminder_spatial.rds")

The rest of this lesson assumes you have gap_map; the code shown will not work without it!


In this section we switch from making tables to making maps, but we’ll use the same workflow we followed for DT in the last section:

  1. We’ll start by making a basic map.

  2. Then, we’ll adjust some of the map’s interactive features and dress up its aesthetics a bit.

  3. Lastly, we’ll learn about map-specific events and how to handle them without redrawing the entire map.

The specifics will be different, but we’ve already seen all the concepts, so this section will hopefully feel like a chance to practice of familiar concepts rather than an introduction to entirely new ones.

Basic map

Let’s make a leaflet map showing the countries in our data set marked by a colored outline.

Every leaflet map has three building blocks:

  1. A leaflet() call. This is like ggplot() from the ggplot2 package—it “sets the stage” for the rest of the graphic, and you can specify some settings here that’ll apply to all subsequent components.

  2. An addTiles() call. This places a tile, or background image, into your map. This is the familiar component that indicates where all the lakes and roads and country boundaries and such are! We’ll use the default tile, but there are many other free ones available.

  3. At least one add*() function call for adding our spatial data. There are several others, but the three most commonly used add*() functions are:

    1. addMarkers() for adding point (0-dimensional) spatial data (like restaurant locations).

    2. addPolylines() for adding line/curve (1-dimensional) spatial data (like roads or rivers).

    3. addPolygons() for adding polygonal (2-dimensional) spatial data (like country boundaries).

Here, we’ll use addPolygons():


##This code should **swapped** for the the "main panel" content in the BODY section of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...

    column(width = 8, tabsetPanel(
      ###TABLE TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Table", dataTableOutput("table1")),
      ###MAP TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Map", leafletOutput("basic_map")), #<--OUTPUT NEW MAP.
      ###GRAPH TAB
      tabPanel(title = "Graph")
  ##... other UI code...


##This code should be **added to** your server.R file, below all other contents but inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...

  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007)

    leaflet() %>% #<--GET THINGS STARTED
      addTiles() %>% #<--ADD BACKGROUND TILE
        data = gap_map2007$geometry) #SPECIFY OUR SPATIAL DATA (geometry IS AN sf PACKAGE WAY OF STORING SUCH DATA)

This code creates a nice, if somewhat fuzzy-looking, interactive map showing the countries for which we have data outlined in blue:

A default leaflet map showing the countries in our data set using fuzzy blue outlines.
A default leaflet map showing the countries in our data set using fuzzy blue outlines.

Note that you can pan the map by clicking anywhere on it, holding the click, and moving your mouse. Note you can also zoom the map using your mouse wheel (if you have one), or by using the plus/minus buttons in the upper-left. Double-clicking the map also zooms in.

If you zoom in, you’ll see the tile automatically change to show greater detail. If you zoom in really far, you can actually lose any sense of where you are and, if you zoom way out, you’ll see the world repeat several times left-to-right, which looks pretty weird!

More (or less) basic map

As we just saw, it often doesn’t make sense to allow users to pan and zoom a map with no guardrails—they can get lost by zooming in or out too far or panning the map around too much, and they can create weird visual quirks, such as making the world repeat.

The leaflet() function can be used to set min and max zoom levels like so:


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...

  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007)

    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry)

A minZoom of 2 makes it so almost the entire world is visible at once (on my laptop screen, anyway!). Meanwhile, a maxZoom of 6 allows users to zoom into continental regions but no further. These adjustments should keep users from zooming in or out more than makes sense for our data.

We can also set maximum bounds—these are an invisible box that users cannot pan the map beyond. If they try, the map will snap the focus (center of the map) back inside the bounds:


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...

  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007)
    bounds = unname(sf::st_bbox(gap_map2007))

    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry) %>%  
      setMaxBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4])

When a user tries to pan past the bounds we’ve set, the map now “snaps back” to within them:

We can see that the map is now zoomed in a little more than before on start-up, and can’t zoom out any further. When we try to pan the map outside of its bounds, it snaps our focus back within those bounds. Lastly, we’re unable to zoom the map in beyond a certain level.
We can see that the map is now zoomed in a little more than before on start-up, and can’t zoom out any further. When we try to pan the map outside of its bounds, it snaps our focus back within those bounds. Lastly, we’re unable to zoom the map in beyond a certain level.

While there are other features we could adjust or disable, setting bounds and minimum and maximum zoom levels are two things you’ll often want to do to every leaflet map.

Adding some pizzazz

Our map’s aesthetics leave something to be desired right now. In particular, the default, fuzzy-blue strokes (outlines) are hard to look at.

Let’s start by cleaning those up. A lot of basic aesthetics related to your spatial data can be controlled with parameters of the specific add*() function you’re using. Here, we need to set new values for color, weight, and opacity inside addPolygons() to change the color, thickness, and transparency of the strokes:


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...

  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007)

    bounds = unname(sf::st_bbox(gap_map2007))

    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry,
        color = "black", #CHANGE STROKE COLOR TO BLACK
        weight = 2, #INCREASE STROKE THICKNESS
        opacity = 1 #MAKE FULLY OPAQUE
        ) %>%
      setMaxBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4])

   ##... other server code...

These couple of changes make the graph much cleaner:

Amazing what adjusting a few stroke (outline) parameters can do!
Amazing what adjusting a few stroke (outline) parameters can do!

But the map still won’t engage our users very much because it’s not showing any data. Let’s have it show our life expectancy data by mapping those values to the fill color of each country’s polygon.

This’ll be a two-step process. First, we need to set up a color palette function, which leaflet can use to determine which colors go with which values (it can’t do this itself). We can build this color palette function using the colorNumeric() function, which needs two inputs: a palette, the name of an R color palette we’d like to use, and a domain, the entire set of values we’ll need to assign colors to:


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...
  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007)
    bounds = unname(sf::st_bbox(gap_map2007))
    map_palette = colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", 
                               domain = unique(gap_map2007$lifeExp))
    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry,
        color = "black", 
        weight = 2, 
        opacity = 1
        ) %>%  
      setMaxBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4])

Then, we can add the polygon-coloring instructions and the life expectancy data to addPolygons():


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...

  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007)
    bounds = unname(sf::st_bbox(gap_map2007))
    map_palette = colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain = unique(gap_map2007$lifeExp))
    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry,
        color = "black", 
        weight = 2, 
        opacity = 1,
        fillColor = map_palette(gap_map2007$lifeExp), #<--WE USE OUR NEW COLOR PALETTE FUNCTION, SPECIFYING OUR DATA AS ITS INPUTS.
        fillOpacity = 0.75) %>%  #<--THE DEFAULT HERE, 0.5, WOULD WASH OUT THE COLORS TOO MUCH.
      setMaxBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4])

This is already a much cooler and more engaging map:

We’ve successfully mapped each country’s 2007 life expectancy value to the fill color of that country’s polygon.
We’ve successfully mapped each country’s 2007 life expectancy value to the fill color of that country’s polygon.

…But shouldn’t there be a legend that clarifies what colors go with what values? We can add one using addLegend():


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...
  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007)
    bounds = unname(sf::st_bbox(gap_map2007))
   map_palette = colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain = unique(gap_map2007$lifeExp))
    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry,
        color = "black", 
        weight = 2, 
        opacity = 1,
        fillColor = map_palette(gap_map2007$lifeExp), 
        fillOpacity = 0.75) %>% 
      setMaxBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4]) %>%
        position = "bottomleft", #<--WHERE TO PUT IT.
        pal = map_palette, #<--COLOR PALETTE FUNCTION TO USE (AGAIN).
        values = gap_map2007$lifeExp, #WHAT SCALE BREAKS TO USE.
        opacity = 0.75, #TRANSPARENCY.
        bins = 5, #NUMBER OF BREAKS.
        title = "Life<br>expectancy ('07)" #TITLE.

Now that’s a nice map!

We’ve added a legend so that users can easily associate different fill colors with different life expectancy values.
We’ve added a legend so that users can easily associate different fill colors with different life expectancy values.

…But what if our users don’t know much geography, so they don’t know which countries are which? Or what if they want to know the exact life expectancy value for a given country? Can we somehow add even more data to this map cleanly?

Yes! Adding tooltips would address both aims. A tooltip is a small pop-up container that appears on mouse hover (in leaflet, these variants are called “labels”), on mouse click (leaflet calls these “popups”), or some other action.

Using the popup parameter of addPolygons(), we can add tooltips that appear and disappear on mouse click. Inside them, we’ll put the name of the country being clicked:


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...
  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007)

    bounds = unname(sf::st_bbox(gap_map2007))

    map_palette = colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain = unique(gap_map2007$lifeExp))

    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry,
        color = "black",
        weight = 2,
        opacity = 1,
        fillColor = map_palette(gap_map2007$lifeExp),
        fillOpacity = 0.75,
      setMaxBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4]) %>%
        position = "bottomleft",
        pal = map_palette,
        values = gap_map2007$lifeExp,
        opacity = 0.75,
        bins = 5,
        title = "Life<br>expectancy ('07)"

Simple tooltips (pop-ups) that appear and disappear on mouse click, showing each country’s name.
Simple tooltips (pop-ups) that appear and disappear on mouse click, showing each country’s name.

This is a nice addition, but what if we wanted to add life expectancy values too and also keep the result human-readable? There are many approaches we could take, but using R’s versatile paste0() function plus the HTML line break element (<br>) works pretty well:


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...
  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007)

    bounds = unname(sf::st_bbox(gap_map2007))

    map_palette = colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain = unique(gap_map2007$lifeExp))

    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry,
        color = "black",
        weight = 2,
        opacity = 1,
        fillColor = map_palette(gap_map2007$lifeExp),
        fillOpacity = 0.75,
        popup = paste0("Country: ",
                       "<br>Life expectancy: ",
      ) %>% 
      setMaxBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4]) %>%
        position = "bottomleft",
        pal = map_palette,
        values = gap_map2007$lifeExp,
        opacity = 0.75,
        bins = 5,
        title = "Life<br>expectancy ('07)"


Now, our map is both snazzy and extra informative:

Now, the tooltips also contain the exact life expectancy value of each country. Raw HTML line breaks are used to make the result more human-readable.
Now, the tooltips also contain the exact life expectancy value of each country. Raw HTML line breaks are used to make the result more human-readable.


In the previous example, we used popup to build our tooltips. Try using the label parameter instead. For whatever reason, this requires more wrangling, so here’s the exact code you’ll need:


label = lapply(1:nrow(gap_map2007), function(x){ 
                    HTML(paste0("Country: ",
                                 "<br>Life Expectancy: ", 

What changes? Which do you prefer? Which option would be better if a lot of users will use mobile devices, do you think?

If we use label, we get tooltips that appears on mouse hover instead of on mouse click.

This behavior is probably more intuitive for most users; many will not expect a click to do anything cool and so they may only discover our on-click tooltips by accident!

On the other hand, tooltips that appear on hover can be annoying if a user is trying to, e.g., trace a path with their mouse, and irrelevant tooltips keep getting in the way.

Another advantage of on-click tooltips is that they don’t disappear until a user is ready for them to do so, whereas tooltips that appear on hover also disappear when the mouse is moved, which can prevent users from consulting a tooltip while also using their mouse somewhere else on the page.

However, the biggest disadvantage of on-hover tooltips is that, while there is an equivalent event to a mouse click on touchscreen devices (a finger press), there is no universal equivalent to a mouse hover (some mobile device browsers and platforms use a “long press” for this, but not all, and many users are not accustomed to performing long presses!).

So, mobile users won’t generally see tooltips if they appear only on hover. If we’re aiming for “mobile-first” design, the popup option is better (which is why I picked it)!

This hypothetical also demonstrates why there is no substitute for asking your users for input when building your app; without it, you’ll just be guessing as to what their needs, expectations, and workflows will be!

Update, don’t remake, leaflet edition!

At this stage, our users have no control over our map. Let’s adds a slider input widget that will let users select which year’s data get plotted:


##This code should **replace** the "sidebar" cell's content within the BODY section of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...

    column(width = 4,
             inputId = "sorted_column",
             label = "Select a column to sort the table by.",
             choices = names(gap)
             inputId = "go_button",
             label = "Go!"),
             inputId = "year_slider",
             label = "Pick what year's data are shown in the map.",
             value = 2007, #<--THE DEFAULT CHOICE
             min = min(gap$year), #<--MIN AND MAX CHOICES
             max = max(gap$year),
             step = 5, #<--HOW FAR APART ARE CHOICES?
             sep = "" #<--DON'T USE COMMAS AS SEPARATORS)
  ##... other UI code...

This adds the UI component of our input widget to our app’s sidebar cell:

A slider input widget allowing users to select which year’s data to show in the map.
A slider input widget allowing users to select which year’s data to show in the map.

But, as we now appreciate, adding the widget to the UI isn’t enough—we also need to incorporate its reactive object (input$year_slider) into a reactive context in our server code somehow if we want to handle this widget’s events.

In this case, that isn’t actually too hard; we already have code that filters the data set down to the year 2007; we can modify this code so it filters the data by whichever year has been chosen instead:


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...
  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == as.numeric(input$year_slider)) #<--INTRODUCE THE SLIDER'S CURRENT VALUE TO FILTER BY WHATEVER YEAR IS CHOSEN.

    bounds = unname(sf::st_bbox(gap_map2007))

    map_palette = colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain = unique(gap_map2007$lifeExp))

    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry,
        color = "black",
        weight = 2,
        opacity = 1,
        fillColor = map_palette(gap_map2007$lifeExp),
        fillOpacity = 0.75,
        popup = paste0("Country: ",
                       "<br>Life expectancy: ",
      ) %>%
      setMaxBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4]) %>%
        position = "bottomleft",
        pal = map_palette,
        values = gap_map2007$lifeExp,
        opacity = 0.75,
        bins = 5,
        title = paste0("Life<br>expectancy ('",
                       substr(input$year_slider, 3, 4),


Above, notice I made a change to the map’s legend title to make it more “generic” and less specific to any one year. There’s another, similar change we should make: We should make our map_palette function more generic so that just one version of it is used no matter which year is picked. Since the code to produce this function will then need to run only once ever, this is a good opportunity to relocate that code to global.R:


##This code should be **added to** your global.R file, below all other code!

 ##... other global code...

map_palette = colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", 
                           domain = unique(gap_map$lifeExp)) #<--CHANGE TO REFERENCE THE WHOLE DATA SET INSTEAD OF JUST THOSE FROM ONE YEAR.

This new functionality gives users a new and exciting way to explore the data:

The map rebuilds each time a new year is chosen in the slider widget to show data from that year (and the legend title changes too). Within-country shifts in life expectancy over time are more noticeable because a single palette is used for all years rather than a new one being built for each year’s data.
The map rebuilds each time a new year is chosen in the slider widget to show data from that year (and the legend title changes too). Within-country shifts in life expectancy over time are more noticeable because a single palette is used for all years rather than a new one being built for each year’s data.

If you watch the video above closely, you’ll notice the “freeze” that occurs every time a user selects a new year. As we saw with DT, handling events by rebuilding our graphic is not ideal. With maps, it can be especially problematic because spatial data tend be voluminous, so re-rendering maps can cause long loading times for our users and make the app look “buggy.”

Fortunately, just as with DT, leaflet features a proxy that lets us update our rendered map in real time, changing only those features that need changing.

Let’s switch to that system the same way we did with DT:

  1. We’ll now use renderLeaflet({}) to produce just the version of the map that users sees at start-up.

  2. We use a new observeEvent({},{}) to watch for relevant events (here, our slider changing).

  3. Inside the observer, we use a proxy, built using leafletProxy(), to make only the updates that need making:


##This code should be **swapped for** the renderLeaflet({}) code provided previously, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...

  output$basic_map = renderLeaflet({

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == 2007) #<--CHANGE

    bounds = unname(sf::st_bbox(gap_map2007))

    leaflet(options = tileOptions(maxZoom = 6, minZoom = 2)) %>%
      addTiles() %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry,
        color = "black",
        weight = 2,
        opacity = 1,
        fillColor = map_palette(gap_map2007$lifeExp),
        fillOpacity = 0.75,
        popup = paste0("Country: ",
                       "<br>Life expectancy: ",
      ) %>%
      setMaxBounds(bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], bounds[4]) %>%
        position = "bottomleft",
        pal = map_palette,
        values = gap_map2007$lifeExp,
        opacity = 0.75,
        bins = 5,
        title = paste0("Life<br>expectancy ('07)") #<--CHANGE


  observeEvent({input$year_slider}, {

    gap_map2007 = gap_map %>%
      filter(year == as.numeric(input$year_slider)) #FILTER BY SELECTED YEAR

    leafletProxy("basic_map") %>%
        data = gap_map2007$geometry,
        color = "black",
        weight = 2,
        opacity = 1,
        fillColor = map_palette(gap_map2007$lifeExp),
        fillOpacity = 0.75,
        popup = paste0("Country: ",
                       "<br>Life expectancy: ",
      ) %>%
        position = "bottomleft",
        pal = map_palette,
        values = gap_map2007$lifeExp,
        opacity = 0.75,
        bins = 5,
        title = paste0("Life<br>expectancy ('",
                       substr(input$year_slider, 3, 4),
                       ")") #<-RETAIN OUR TRICK HERE.


In the code above, we still need to repeat quite a lot of code to handle these particular events, so the updating process isn’t much faster than before. However, we at least don’t need to touch the map window itself, its zoom behavior, or bounds because those aspects don’t need to change. The result is a cleaner, less buggy-looking transition between map versions:

By using the proxy system, key components of the map needn’t be rebuilt each time, and the app needn’t freeze while the updates occur, resulting in a faster and subtler transition between map versions.
By using the proxy system, key components of the map needn’t be rebuilt each time, and the app needn’t freeze while the updates occur, resulting in a faster and subtler transition between map versions.

There are ways we could have made these updates even more efficient, such as:

  • Pre-building all possible filtered versions of the data set in global.R so we didn’t need to (re-)make them on the fly during each update.

  • Making the legend title generic enough that it doesn’t need rebuilding each time.

  • Considering whether the user should be able to view and change the entire world’s data at once. Perhaps they should only be able to view and control a single continent’s data at a time.

  • Using a discrete rather than continuous color palette (e.g., only six possible colors), assigning every country’s polygon to a group (using the group parameter inside addPolygons()) according to the “bin” their data falls into, determining whether a country’s “bin” should change during an update, and redrawing only those polygons whose “bins” do need to change.

However, you may deem the current solution “good enough” for your users—I would!

Watch and learn

leaflet maps are widgets like any other, so information about user interactions with them are passed from the UI to the server by input where they can be watched and handled.

For example, whenever a user clicks a country’s polygon, this could trigger a “click event,” and we can access information about that event using input$[outputId]_shape_click format server-side.

We can combine that functionality with another cool feature of leaflet maps: flyTo(). This function will pan and zoom the map to center on a specific location, such as where the user clicked.

So, let’s create a new observer that watches for clicks, and, when one happens, a leafletProxy() will fly our map to that location:


##This code should be **added** to the bottom of your server.R file, but still within your server function!

  observeEvent(input$basic_map_shape_click, {

    leafletProxy("basic_map") %>%
        lat = input$basic_map_shape_click$lat, #LAT AND LONG DATA ON THE CLICKED LOCATION ARE ACCESSED THUSLY.
        lng = input$basic_map_shape_click$lng,
        zoom = 5


Now, when users click specific countries, they don’t just get additional info via a tooltip, they get an animation that zooms them in on that particular country:

A proxy is used to update a map’s focus point; we “fly to” a location clicked on by the user.
A proxy is used to update a map’s focus point; we “fly to” a location clicked on by the user.

Obviously, we should only add features like this if they enhance our UX, which this one arguably doesn’t, but this example demonstrates what’s possible.

Getting graphic

We’ll close out this lesson by considering plotly, a package for producing interactive, web-enabled graphs, similar in quality and complexity to the (static) ones produced by ggplot2.

R users who know ggplot2 understand that learning graphics packages is like learning a new language! The learning curve is significant; because these packages give users all the tools needed to design a complex graph piece by piece, there are lots of functions and parameters and jargon to keep straight!

plotly is no different—you can create ultra-detailed, publication-quality graphics with it, but you’ll need to learn a new vernacular to do so, one that may only sometimes feel similar to ggplot2’s.

As such, covering plotly in any depth is outside the scope of this lesson. Thankfully, we don’t actually need to learn plotly to appreciate what it can offer our users; it comes with an incredible “cheat code” that, while imperfect, will work suit our needs here wonderfully: the ggplotly() function.

ggplotly() takes a complete ggplot, breaks it down into its components, and rebuilds those components using plotly’s system instead (as best it can). Because the two systems are similar in many ways, you’ll get a similar graph as a product, but one with all the interactive features of a plotly graph.

However, because the two systems don’t map 1-to-1, the result will rarely look exactly the same as the ggplot you put in. In particular, complex customizations using ggplot’s theme(), text-related components, advanced or new features in ggplot’s dialect, and so on don’t generally transition well.

So, it’s probably more correct to say that ggplotly() produces a plotly graph in the spirit of the ggplot2 graph used. Still, that means we don’t need to learn how to produce a plotly graph using plotly’s own system to be able to explore the package’s features and use cases.

To start, let’s build a ggplot2 graph to use as an input. Let’s make it a scatterplot of GDP vs. log(population) for 2007, with each continent getting a different color too. Additionally, we’ll plot a best-fit line for each continent’s data. And, to top it off, we’ll customize the appearance of the graph in several ways.

This probably sounds like it’ll be a complicated graph, and that’s because it will be! I want you to see how ggplotly() performs on a graph with many components:


##This code should be **added** to the bottom of your global.R file!

gap2007 = gap %>%
  filter(year == 2007)

p1 = ggplot(
    x = log(pop),
    y = gdpPercap,
    color = continent,
    group = continent
) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = F) +
    text = element_text(
      size = 16,
      color = "black",
      face = "bold"
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
    panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "gray"),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    axis.line = element_line(color = "black", linewidth = 1.5)
  ) +
  scale_y_continuous("GDP per capita\n") +
  scale_x_continuous("\nPopulation size (log)") +

If you don’t know ggplot2, the above code will probably look daunting! If so, don’t worry; you don’t need to know what it’s doing at all! Just copy-paste it into your app’s global.R file.

For those who do know ggplot2, you’ll hopefully agree that this graph looks halfway decent:

The ggplot graph produced by the code above.
The ggplot graph produced by the code above.

More importantly, though, it’s complex enough to be a good test for ggplotly(). Let’s see how it does at converting it to a plotly graph:


##This code should be **added** to the bottom of your global.R file!
p2 = ggplotly(p1)
The same graph as before (more or less) but now rendered using plotly’s system via ggplotly().
The same graph as before (more or less) but now rendered using plotly’s system via ggplotly().

Now that we have our plotly version, I hope you’ll agree it looks pretty similar to our original ggplot, although there are some differences—we’ll talk about those in a moment.

First, though, let’s insert this graph into our app. For this, it hopefully won’t surprise you that there are renderPlotly({}) and plotlyOutput() functions we can use:


##This code should **swapped** for the the "main panel" content in the BODY section of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...
column(width = 8, tabsetPanel(
      tabPanel(title = "Table", dataTableOutput("table1")),
      tabPanel(title = "Map", leafletOutput("basic_map")),
      tabPanel(title = "Graph", 
               plotlyOutput("basic_graph")) #<--ADD THE RENDERED GRAPH HERE.
##... other UI code...


##This code should be **added to** your server.R file, underneath all other contents but inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...
output$basic_graph = renderPlotly({

If we launch our app, we should see our new plotly graph on the Graph tab panel:

In this clip, we see many of plotly’s interactive features, including tooltips, legend key filtering, and the modebar of buttons.
In this clip, we see many of plotly’s interactive features, including tooltips, legend key filtering, and the modebar of buttons.

The only aesthetic difference between our original ggplot and our new plotly graph that stands out to me is the legend’s placement; while ggplots vertically center their legends by default, plotly graphs top-align them instead.

We’ll fix that in a moment! Beforehand, let’s focus on all the new interactive features this graph comes with that the old one lacks (it’s a lot!):

  • Tooltips: If you hover over a point, you’ll get a tooltip showing the point’s associated x, y, and group (continent) values. These tooltips aren’t super human-readable by default, but that too we’ll soon change.

  • Click+drag to zoom: If you click anywhere, drag your cursor to highlight a region, and let go, you will zoom the graph to show only the highlighted region and data. Double-clicking will restore the original zoom level.

  • Interactive “modebar:” plotly graphs come with a toolbar in the upper-right that features several buttons. These allow you to download an image of the graph, zoom and pan, select specific data, reset the graph, and change how tooltips work.

  • Legend group filtering: If you click any of the legend keys (such as “Asia”), all data points from that group will be redacted, and the axes will readjust as though those data weren’t present. Double-clicking a legend key, meanwhile, will exclude all data but those from that group.

That’s a lot of interactivity!

More (or less) basic graph

…which means we should discuss how to disable some of these features. Unfortunately, disabling features in plotly is not as easy as in DT or leaflet; to do so, we must engage with two of the core functions used to build plotly graphs from scratch: layout() and config().

layout() is sort of like ggplot2’s scale_*() functions in that it controls how much of the plot’s mapped aesthetics work. Inside layout() are xaxis and yaxis parameters; if we give both a list containing the instruction fixedrange = TRUE, this will disable zooming functionality:


##This code should **replace** the renderPlotly({}) code in your server.R file, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...
  output$basic_graph = renderPlotly({
    p2 %>%
        xaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE),
        yaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE))

In my experience, zooming isn’t a useful feature in most contexts, and some users find it hard to figure out how to reverse an accidental zoom, so it’s one of the first features I tend to disable.

We can also use layout() to adjust how the legend responds to clicks. For example, if we want to turn off the functionality that redacts a group when its legend key is clicked, we can set the itemclick instruction for the legend parameter to FALSE:


##This code should **replace** the renderPlotly({}) code in your server.R file, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...
  output$basic_graph = renderPlotly({
    p2 %>%
        xaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE),
        yaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE),
        legend = list(itemclick = FALSE) #<--TURN OFF GROUP REDACTION UPON CLICKING LEGEND KEYS.

The double-click functionality can be similarly disabled. In my experience, though it seems useful, I’ve struggled to adequately explain the legend key filtering functionality to my users, so it’s another feature I regularly disable.

The config() function, meanwhile, can remove buttons from the modebar, although you may need to Google for the names of the specific buttons you want to remove:


##This code should **replace** the renderPlotly({}) code in your server.R file, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server 
  output$basic_graph = renderPlotly({
    p2 %>%
        xaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE),
        yaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE),
        legend = list(itemclick = FALSE)
      ) %>%
      config(modeBarButtonsToRemove = list("lasso2d")) #<--REMOVING THE "LASSO" SELECTION BUTTON.


I’ll stress here again that, when considering UX, “less” is often “more.” If your users might not understand it or won’t use it, consider removing or disabling it.

Making some adjustments

Earlier, I identified two dissatisfying aspects about our graph. First, the legend isn’t centered vertically, like in our original graph and, second, the tooltip text could be easier to read.

The first issue is solved using the legend parameter inside of layout(), which we’ve already dabbled with:


##This code should **replace** the renderPlotly({}) code in your server.R file, inside of your server function!

 ##... other server code...
  output$basic_graph = renderPlotly({
    p2 %>%
        xaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE),
        yaxis = list(fixedrange = TRUE),
        legend = list(itemclick = FALSE,
                      y = 0.5, #<--PUT THE LEGEND HALFWAY DOWN.
                      yanchor = "middle" #<--SPECIFICALLY, PUT THE *CENTER* OF IT HALFWAY DOWN.
      ) %>%
      config(modeBarButtonsToRemove = list("lasso2d"))

The best way to beautify our tooltips’ contents, meanwhile, will be to use a third core plotly function: style().

This’ll be a multi-step process:

  1. First, let’s “pre-generate” the text we want each tooltip to contain (using dplyr’s mutate()).

  2. Second, let’s pass this text into our original ggplot call so it gets packaged up with everything else passed to ggplotly().

  3. Lastly, let’s use style() to make the contents of our tooltips only the custom text we’ve cooked up:


##This code should **replace** the previous plotly-related code in your global.R file!

 ##... other global code...
gap2007 = gap %>%
  filter(year == 2007) %>%
    "GDP: ",
    round(gdpPercap, 1),
    "Log population: ",
    round(log(pop), 3)

p1 = ggplot(
    x = log(pop),
    y = gdpPercap,
    color = continent,
    group = continent,
) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = F) +
    text = element_text(
      size = 16,
      color = "black",
      face = "bold"
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
    panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "gray"),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    axis.line = element_line(color = "black", linewidth = 1.5)
  ) +
  scale_y_continuous("GDP per capita\n") +
  scale_x_continuous("\nPopulation size (log)") +

p2 = ggplotly(p1, 

Now our tooltips are looking great:

Our plotly graph now has a centered legend, like the source graph did, and tooltips that are more human-readable.
Our plotly graph now has a centered legend, like the source graph did, and tooltips that are more human-readable.

The morale of the story is that, between layout(), style(), and config(), you can adjust virtually any aspect of a plotly graph, much as in ggplot2 using theme() and the scale_*() functions. However, it may require some Googling and experimentation to figure out exactly how to do any specific thing!

Update, don’t remake, plotly edition!

Once again, it’s time to see how to update a plotly graph “on the fly” in response to user actions without re-rendering it!

That again first means giving users a fun way to affect the graph. Let’s create a drop-down widget that lets users pick a new color palette for the graph:


##This code should **replace** the "sidebar panel" cell's content within the BODY section of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...
    column(width = 4,
             inputId = "sorted_column",
             label = "Select a column to sort the table by.",
             choices = names(gap)
             inputId = "go_button",
             label = "Go!"),
             inputId = "year_slider",
             label = "Pick what year's data are shown in the map.",
             value = 2007,
             min = min(gap$year),
             max = max(gap$year),
             step = 5,
             sep = ""
           selectInput( #ADD A COLOR PALETTE SELECTOR
             inputId = "color_scheme",
             label = "Pick a color palette for the graph.",
             choices = c("viridis", "plasma", "Spectral", "Dark2")
##... other UI code...

In plotly, color scheme is generally specified inside the plot_ly() call (the equivalent of ggplot() in ggplot2) or inside an add_*() function call (the equivalent of a geom_* call in ggplot2). However, one can be specified or modified using style() too.

To update rather than remake our graph, we’ll use the plotly functions plotlyProxy() and plotlyProxyInvoke(), which are like dataTableProxy() and its helper functions like replaceData(). They are a “package deal;” both are needed to accomplish the task. Specifically, we’ll use the "restyle" method inside plotProxyInvoke() to trigger a re-styling of the graph.

As before, we make a new observer that watches input$color_scheme and triggers restyling using plotlyProxy(), leaving renderPlotly({}) to produce only the version of the graph we see on start-up:


##This code should **replace** all your plotly-related code to date in your server.R file!

##... other server code...

  observeEvent(input$color_scheme, {

    new_pal = colorFactor(palette = input$color_scheme,
                          domain = unique(gap2007$continent))

    plotlyProxy("basic_graph", session) %>% #<--WE HAVE TO INCLUDE session HERE TOO.
      plotlyProxyInvoke("restyle", #<-THE TYPE OF CHANGE WE WANT
                        list(marker = list(
                          color = new_pal(gap2007$continent), #FOR OUR MARKERS, USE THESE NEW COLORS.
                          size = 11.3 #AND THIS POINT SIZE.


The inputs to plotlyProxyInvoke() are a little complicated, so let’s go over them. The first is the name of a method the proxy should use. Here, we use the "restyle" method because we want to adjust things the style() function regulates, such as the graph’s color scheme. There’s also a "relayout" method for adjusting things that layout() controls, such as the legend.

The second input is a list of lists—this is where we’re very nearly writing JavaScript code; if there’s one thing JS loves, it’s lists! The outermost list contains the aspects of the graph we want to re-style (here, markers are the only such thing).

Then, we provide a list to each such aspect—what specific features do we want to change about that aspect? Here, we’re changing the colors of our markers, setting them equal to the new colors we’ve generated using colorFactor() from leaflet.

However, we also specify point sizes. Why? If plotlyProxy() is asked to redraw our graph’s markers, it’ll do so “from scratch,” using plotly default values for any properties we don’t specifically specify. Since our original graph featured custom-sized points, we need to “override the defaults” to get the same point sizes after the redraw as we had before it.

The last input to plotlyProxyInvoke() is a set of trace numbers. A plotly trace is one “set” of data being graphed. In our case, we have five traces, one for each continent, and we’re modifying all five, so you’d think we’d need to put 1:5 here. However, JS starts counting things at 0, not 1 (it’s a “zero-indexed language,” whereas R is a “one-indexed language”), so we actually need 0:4 instead.

You’ll notice that, with this new proxy in place, our points change colors as we adjust our new selector. However, our lines don’t, and our legend keys do change but to the wrong colors:

We’ve added a drop-down menu widget that allows users to select a new color palette for our graph. However, not all aspects of the graph change colors like we might expect. For example, the legend keys do change colors, but incorrectly.
We’ve added a drop-down menu widget that allows users to select a new color palette for our graph. However, not all aspects of the graph change colors like we might expect. For example, the legend keys do change colors, but incorrectly.

These are fixable problems, but not without some grief—in simple terms, the graph conversion performed by ggplotly() comes with baggage that we’re running into here. If we really want to allow users to choose our graph’s color palette, we’d have an easier time if we rebuilt our graph in plotly.

Point and click

As with all other widgets, user interactions with plotly graphs can trigger events.

However, plotly is unusual in that info about events is not passed from the UI to the server via input. Instead, plotly has an alternative (but equivalent) system that uses the functions event_register() to specify which events to track and event_data() to pass the relevant event data to the server as a reactive object. This sounds more complicated than what we’re used to, but it’s really the same idea with differently named parts.

First, let’s create a textOutput() in our UI, beneath our graph. We will report a message to the user there abiut the point they’ve clicked that we will build server-side:


##This code should **replace** the "main panel" cell's content within the BODY section of your ui.R file!

##... other UI code...
    column(width = 8, tabsetPanel(
      tabPanel(title = "Table", dataTableOutput("table1")),
      tabPanel(title = "Map", leafletOutput("basic_map")),
      tabPanel(title = "Graph", 
               textOutput("point_clicked")) #<--ADD TEXTOUTPUT TO UI.
##... other UI code...

Next, let’s “register” with our graph that we want to watch for mouse click events. At the same time, we’ll give our graph a special attribute (a source) that is used just to make this system work, sort of how an inputId is used for tracking event data normally:


##This code should **replace** the ggplotly() call within your global.R file!

##... other global code...
p2 = ggplotly(p1,
              tooltip = "text",
              source = "our_graph") %>% #<--A SPECIAL ID JUST FOR THIS SYSTEM.
  style(hoverinfo = "text") %>% 
  event_register("plotly_click") #<--WATCH FOR USER CLICK EVENTS

Lastly, let’s create a new observer in our server.R file to watch for clicks, referencing the source and event type data we just established. When a user clicks a point in our graph, a text message will appear telling them the raw population count for that point, which might be helpful given that we are currently log-transforming those data:


##This code should **added to** the bottom of your server.R file, within the server function!

##... other server code...

  observeEvent(event_data(event = "plotly_click",
                          source = "our_graph"), {

    output$point_clicked = renderText({
        "The exact population for this point was: ",
          event_data(event = "plotly_click", source = "our_graph")$x
          )), big.mark = ",") #<--WE CAN ACCESS THE X VALUE OF THE POINT CLICKED THIS WAY.


If you run the app at this point and click on any of the points, you should see something like this:

When users click on specific points, a message appears to give them more detailed population data information.
When users click on specific points, a message appears to give them more detailed population data information.

In this setup, we aren’t using input like we have before, but we are creating something equivalent—a single reactive object that passes one type of event data for one UI component to the server for use in event handling.

Whenever an event triggers, we use renderText({}) and textOutput() to show the population datum of the point clicked. This is admittedly not a thrilling use of this functionality, but it hopefully shows what’s possible, and it could be of value to some users.

Ultimately, this system of event watching and handling is not much harder to learn and use than the typical one involving input; it’s more difficult only in that it’s different.

Key Points

  • The DT, leaflet, and plotly packages can be used to produce web-enabled, interactive tables, maps, and graphs for incorporation into Shiny apps.
  • Each of the graphics these packages create come with tons of interactive features. Because some of this functionality might be confusing or unnecessary for some users or contexts, it’s valuable to know how to adjust or disable them. It’s better to have only as many features as are needed and that your users can handle.
  • The aesthetics of these graphics can be adjusted or customized, but the specifics of how to do this (and how easy or intuitive it will be) varies widely.
  • We should strive to update graphics, changing only the aspects that need changing, rather than remaking graphics from scratch. This generally means handling events using observers and proxies rather than using render*({}) functions.
  • Like with other widgets, user interactions with these graphics can be tracked by the UI and passed to the server for handling. This passing happens with the input object for DT and leaflet, but an equivalent system must be used for plotly.